Friday, September 07, 2012

Five Question Friday

1. What is your favorite fall family tradition?

For years and years....actually, the entire time my children were growing up, we had a bonfire at my mom's house on the weekend closest to Halloween. We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows over a fire outdoors....and all the family came. I hope my children have good memories of that time every fall. We have since stopped that tradition at my mom's house but I think next year I will begin that tradition at my own home!

2. If money weren't an issue, how many kids would you have?


3. If you were to get a tattoo, what would it be and where would you put it?

Hmmm...never given it much thought. If I were going to get a tattoo, I guess I would make it visible....what's the point in having one if you are going to hide it? So, I guess the place would be next to my ankle. The tattoo would be Nonny....surprise! BUT, don't look for it...I'm past the tattoo days!

4. What condiment is a must in your house?

Good Seasons Italian Salad Dressing. I put it on salads, tomatoes, sandwiches, bowls of name it! I keep them in business!

5. How did your spouse/fiance propose?

At a stoplight. Romantic, huh? He had the ring in a box under his seat and couldn't wait. Oh well, 37 years later I can say it didn't make a difference!!!

Have a great weekend! Tell me, would YOU get a tattoo?


Anonymous said...

its the spontaneous proposals that are the best. If I wasn't scared I'd get a boy dino near my heart, for my little man.

Monica B said...

That's cute that he couldn't wait. I don't think I'd ever get a tattoo either. I'm not a fan of self-inflicted pain.

-joy said...

1. I don't really have a fall tradition.....yet.
2. I would have 2 kids.
3.Actually in the works of creating a tatoo design to go on my ankle in a deep red ink (henna looking) avocado a condiment b/c i sure use it on a lot of things! husband proposed on my 20th birthday at my house in front of my parents, sisters, grandparents and our best friend.

retired not tired said...

Loved your proposal story. I am not a fan of tattoos either.

GmaCarolyn said...

We have been having a weiner roast at our home on halloween for many years too. But the last few years have been hard to get everyone together. It was a special tradition with lots of memories---grandaddy always taking the kids for a ride down the road in the trailer behind the tractor and then everyone sitting around the fire laughing and talking. Family is the best. Glad you are going to carry on the tradition.

Unknown said...

After reading your proposal and thinking about my own...I have to agree that You are right--it really doesn't matter--37 years don't lie! Congratualtions! Visiting from 5QF. Hope you'll visit us soon!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

no to the tatoo....have never had ANY desire...oops my eyeliner and eyebrows are tatooed in...and have been for 20 years

Amanda Pilkinton said...

I would not get a tatoo. My favorite Fall tradition is Trick or Treating, as a child and now as a parent! I would love to have four kids. I love mayo and mustard! Yumm!!! My husband proposed on a mountain top...

Justabeachkat said...

Hi sweet friend! I'm back to blogging! I might not post or visit as often as I used to, but I promise I'm back. Loved catching up with you.

Life is so good for me right now. I'm loving life and going "full steam ahead", so time on the computer is limited.


Jennifer said...

I can not imagine having a tattoo. I love having a boy and a girl but still might go for the third in a few years. Just writing that sentence gave me anxiety though so maybe two and through! I love the weiner roast and think your grandkids would love it!!! Our fall tradition is taking the kids to a pumpkin patch and to see the scarecrows.

The 5 Bickies said...

Love the 5 question Friday...Definitely will never get a tattoo.