I never intended to wait so long to blog! I thought about it a lot! But, Instagram is just so easy to fall back on!! (My Instagram link is on the sidebar!)
Winter is still holding on here in North Carolina! We can't seem to get rid of this cold, wet weather! As I type, there is still a chance of a little snow! I don't know how you people up north handle it! I truly don't! We had a pretty bad ice storm a few weeks ago. It may take up to six months to clean up from all the damage here. Amazing what an inch of ice can do....AMAZING!
Come on Spring. The calendar says you are here!!!!!!
My oldest son and his family have been flipping a house. They were FINALLY able to move into their semi-ready home this past weekend. In the last couple of months, my DIL and the children have been living out of state with her parents. They just returned and I was OVERJOYED to be reunited with them all. The children have grown so much....especially the twins!!
I have been trying to shed a few winter pounds! Weight Watchers is always my *go to* diet....and, YES, it is a diet. We are fooling ourselves if we say it isn't. Sure, it's a lifestyle. But, that's what I call maintenance. What I'm doing now...that's a D I E T! I have lost seven of the ten pounds I wanted to lose. And no, I don't have a picture. Trust me. The pounds were there. I had a birthday this month and I let myself indulge a little. Hubs had my favorite cake ever made:
Strawberry Buttercream!
I plan to be more consistent with my blogging again. I want to do a *Favorite Things* post and update you on my Stitch Fix shipments! Stay tuned!!!