Just finished up with Cousin Camp 2014! We all agree it was one of our best ones yet!! There were 14 cousins....The oldest one was EIGHT! (Sure did miss our teen cousins who are working at a summer camp!!) This will be picture overload that may not interest anyone except my family. But I like to document it here every year. (Past years are on my sidebar under cousin camp.)
Each year we try to have something *new* for Cousin Camp. This year we had two new things. One was the Extreme Coaster by Step2. The kids loved this and it's for ages three to eight. Our kids as young as 15 months loved it too!!
The other *new* thing for CC was a playhouse/workshop for the boys. Poppy used an existing building we have in our back yard. He put a wall down the middle and turned half of it into the *boy house.* It is a work in progress and is not complete but the boys (and girls) loved playing in it!! Here are a few pictures before landscaping and completion! The door and the windows are real road signs!! How cool is that??!! Poppy and J (son) worked so hard to make this happen! They still have a roof to complete, some stairs and lots of inside work. I will post again when it is complete. (Hopefully soon!)
The kids loved playing in the new house with the real wood! The beginning of a *busy board* is on the wall too! Poppy has a long way to go but doesn't it look great?
Our shirts this year were color coded by families! The niece in the green shirt has two older sisters that we missed so much! They are working at a camp this summer!! And little W, in the yellow shirt, has a sibling on the way in late summer!
There are 14 children here....hard to see the two week old on the top row! Our goal was to take the picture at 8:30 am. We only missed it by a few minutes!
Look at the adorable cookies I had made to look like each child! They are much cuter when the names aren't blurred out! But...............
We had such a great time this year! The children all got along so good! Pretty amazing to have that many children without an argument! May never happen again! :) The moms come to Cousin Camp too. Poppy and I couldn't do it without them. We might be able to in a few years when the children are older but there are too many little ones for that now! Thanks so much to you moms and to my mom for all your help. Thank you for allowing Poppy and I the privilege of loving them and making memories with them.I hope they will grow up knowing how important family is and I know they will grow up knowing *your cousins are some of your very first friends!*
And, I can't close without saying, guess where Poppy and Nonny spent the night during Cousin Camp? We gave away our bedrooms and every ounce of floor space, so, we snuck away at 8:00 pm and returned at 6:30 am.
Until next year sweet cousin friends....always know you are so very loved...by us but most importantly by Jesus! And, you ALWAYS have family to come home to!
Love, Nonny and Poppy Miss Angelove/Uncle Mike