Tuesday, April 19, 2016


So, I have a dear friend, Pam, who is also an AMAZING photographer. However, investing in people is what she does best! Pam loves on and cares for people well. I so admire her! Recently Pam offered to come spend a day/afternoon with my family. She wanted to capture our normal day of getting together. We didn't dress up or act different. We are who we are. We Also celebrate Poppy's birthday on the afternoon she spent with us. I want to share/overload you with some of the pictures from that day.

I am THRILLED to have a *day in the life of our family* in print and will treasure these pics always!

Thank you dear Pam. We are a normal family, in a fallen world, trying to love and make an impact. Thank you for reminding us, in pictures, of the blessing of family. We are eternally grateful.  

Nonny and Poppy

(You can find Pam @ Bonneygirlphotography.com)

Monday, April 11, 2016

TWINSX2 Turn T H R E E Today!

The TWINSX2 (second set of twin grands) turn



If you have any questions about dreams coming true,
Take a look at this boy..........

.......and this girl!

TWICE BLESSED with these two!

Three things I love about HJ:

  1. She is one SPUNKY little girl!
  2. She takes care of her *Sally* like nobody's business!
  3. She likes to eat salad with me.

Three things I love about B:

  1. He drives a *Power Wheels* like he's 16!
  2. He is the most loving little boy ever!
  3. He loves my *Nonny Gum.*

Happy Birthday to you two!
I hope you know one day how much we adore you!
Nonny loves you B I G !

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Good Grief!

How is it April and I haven't blogged? I know it's not the TRENDY thing to do these days, but, I have my blog printed out every year instead of printing out photos! So, I love to document things here! 

In January we celebrated my parents anniversary!

In March, Baby W was dedicated to Jesus. 
There is no baby boy sweeter than this one! 
What a precious baby #9 is!

Poppy had a birthday in February!
A shout out to him...........
He started WHOLE 30 last fall and has lost close to 50 pounds!!!!

I had a birthday in March...the BIG one is next year!
Hubs treated me to dinner at CHEF AND THE FARMER!
It never disappoints....and I even got to talk with Chef Vivian!

Our #2 grand had her art displayed in The Mint Museum.
Quite an honor for this baby girl!

Also in March we bought a *fixer upper* because we want to be

Here is the BEFORE and the inspiration photo for the AFTER!
Wish us luck!

Easter came early this year.
Can you say cold and rain?
Repeat after me: Cold. Rain.
I host my family every Easter. 
There were 33 of us...16 of those were children.
Nuff said.

In my next post I will share some photos we had taken of our family!
Until then...........

Nonny loves you BIG!