Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Bic Bic!

Forever 49.

I love you sister.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Have I Mentioned That I Love These Girls?

Spent some time this week with these two.

Little A is 8 months now. She is crawling and pulling up. She can crawl up stairs and is into everything!
 But oh is that baby girl sweet! She smiles about EVERYTHING and is the happiest little girl ever!
Slow down little A! Slow down!

E.C. is 2 and 1/2. She is pretty shy around strangers but boy does that girl have spunk when she is in a comfortable situation! She is one observant cookie. I am amazed at the things she notices! She is potty trained...for the most part and eats her veggies and fruit like a champ! She can pedal her trike and works puzzles like crazy!

Have I mentioned that I love these girls?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Newest Blessing!

So, yesterday was the big ultrasound for my oldest son, B and his wife, K!

K's mom and I tagged along.

Our new *little* is amazing!
Can you believe the ultrasound tech knows 
if it is a boy or girl.....
And Nonny and MiMi don't know!!

The results are in a sealed envelope.

We held it up to the light.........

But, we couldn't see.


We CAN see how AMAZING though!!!

Isn't HE/SHE precious??!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Got this pic on my cell today of my youngest Niece, P.

Jumping can wear a girl out!

Monday, July 26, 2010


New Header pics today!

Had to add the newest baby!

Their ultrasound is Wednesday.

They can find out the s*x if they want to.

They say they don't want to.

Nonny and MiMi want to know.


Thinking about paying off the ultrasound tech.!

Don't you love the new header???!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Today is HER birthday!

She married our youngest son two years ago.

We're so glad she did!

Happy Birthday JiJi.

We love you!

We are so thankful for you.

Thank you for being so good to us!

Go HERE and wish her a happy day!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Century Club!!!

This is the song hubs is singing today:

*I'm a member of the Century Club.
Century riding is what I love.*

He did it.
He rode 100 miles today.

Check out his calves....

 Proud of you hubs.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

17 on the 17th

  1. Jesus
  2. Hubs
  3. Family
  4. Diet Coke
  5. Playing with the *littles*
  6. Blogging
  7. Magazines
  8. Mornings
  9. Doughnuts and homemade cookies
  10. Vinegar...and anything made with vinegar.
  11. Being outside
  12. Friends
  13. A good haircut
  14. Photos
  15. Hammock time
  16. Hub's home cooked meals
  17. Life
Oh, and blogs with pictures.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


So apparently I have this weird thing for clean laundry.

Because I seem to talk about it a lot.

I am fascinated with the Dry Cleaning place.


Is it weird that I always wonder how when they take your shirts and lay them in a pile, you get YOUR shirts back?

I love how they push a button and those shirts slide down a conveyor belt. I always think "They are going to give me someone else's shirts." But they never do.

And, is it weird that for a long time I thought I might want to own one of these?

Really, I did.

But, I was afraid of this:


You have to draw the line somewhere.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Does your HUBS have a hobby?

Mine does.

He golfs and he bikes.

Golfing was his slight obsession 
until he had knee surgery this past March.

Golf has had to take a back seat to biking for a while.
SERIOUS biking.

Like he rode 80 miles this morning.


He hopes to participate in CYCLE ACROSS NC in September.

I'm proud of him.

Does YOUR hubs have a hobby?

Friday, July 09, 2010


I don't think most of my readers follow professional basketball. But if you read the papers or follow the Yahoo home page or watch television, you probably know that Lebron James was all the talk this week. He's the professional basketball player that held a press conference last night announcing his decision about where he would play next year. (Not that it matters, but he chose Miami.) He had been playing for Cleveland (not that that matters either.) Getting to my point here. The owner of Cleveland was upset that Lebron left. Very upset. So upset that he wrote THIS letter. Wow. Just wow. I don't care where Lebron plays. But I am sad that this kind of letter is what my *littles* will read. That this letter is what is normal these days. He's mad. He's hurt. If Lebron had stayed, he would be his best friend. What about "class?" I'm not picking on him. I don't have a favorite NBA team. I'm just sad today that this is accepted as normal behavior. 

These *littles* deserve better. Your *littles* do too.

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Important Things Your Mom Told You

  • Never return a dish empty. You know, someone sends you a meal or a dessert in a dish and you need to return it to them. Mom always said to send it back with something in it. It doesn't have to be something you made. Perhaps fresh fruit/vegetables or their favorite candy bar. It's almost like a thank you!   

  • Never give a wallet as a gift without money in it. Even if it's a dollar. Just don't give it empty.

  • Always send a Thank You note. If someone takes the time to give you something, take the time to send them a thank you.

    • When you are spending time at someone's home, make your bed.

    • Never decorate with a candle unless you lite the wick.

    Have you heard of these tips? 
    What did YOUR mom teach YOU?

    Tuesday, July 06, 2010

    Missing These GrandGirls

    Call Me CRAZY.............

    .................but I think I want these

    (these are called Vibram Five Fingers. Check them out HERE.)

    It's like walking/running barefoot.

    Have you tried them?

    WOULD you try them?

    Monday, July 05, 2010

    Impromptu Picnic

    We really didn't have any plans for the weekend of the 4th.

    So, on Saturday we drove to Chapel Hill to a bike store.

    We were hungry so we picked up food to go at The Loop
    .....And took it to the campus of UNC to eat.

    The weather was gorgeous. 
    We sat under huge trees and enjoyed the breeze and each other.

     (not a great's hard to take one of yourself!)

    (a view from the ground)

    Life is a Honeymoon.

    Sunday, July 04, 2010

    Happy Fourth Of July!

    Received this picture on my cell phone yesterday of 
    my nieces and nephew:

    Kids at a small town parade.

    Freedom. Love. Independence. Family.