So, yesterday was the big ultrasound for my oldest son, B and his wife, K!
K's mom and I tagged along.
Our new *little* is amazing!
Can you believe the ultrasound tech knows
if it is a boy or girl.....
And Nonny and MiMi don't know!!
The results are in a sealed envelope.
We held it up to the light.........
But, we couldn't see.
We CAN see how AMAZING though!!!
Isn't HE/SHE precious??!!

I'm SO excited :) :) :)
hey roomie, bout to have another little to spoil. see the resemblance of mj (tongue).. can't wait poppy
How truly exciting for you all!!
Praying a WONDERFUL pregnancy!!!
But it is so fun to be surprised. Best two surprises I have ever had! :) It makes delivery day that much more exciting.
So exciting, and yes he or she is amazing and beautiful!! Can't wait to hear!!
Oh Very!!! Come on... open it! :)
soooo exciting Nonny!!!! When is she due?!? I just found out this week too...due December 28th with another precious girl...Kassi...not sure of middle name yet though!
Today I am going to guess it's a boy! No matter what. he or she is GORGEOUS!
What a wonderful blessing! Hope Mom and Baby co well all the way through!
i have to agree with 3 surprises of my life!!! i can't wait to have another little baby around. i'm hoping for a boy so j can have a playmate.
I think I told you before that I think not knowing is so much more fun. Your new little is beautiful. Congratulations!
We never found out the gender of any of our children, and it drove my mom absolutely crazy!! So finally, after knowing the the twins would finally be the last of our brood, I let the ultra sound tech tell her their genders, and she kept it from everyone (including us!) until their birth! Fun, exciting surprises!!!
Congratulations to you all...
I don't think there could be anything more exciting than finding out as you deliver what sex your child is...I didn't find out with my daughter and I told my mom I wanted my husband to be the one to tell me, well my mom was so excited that as soon as she could tell she was a girl she blurted it out! I was so excited and happy that I didn't even care. It makes the waiting to find out in the waiting room extra exciting also (or so I'm told)!
this is awesome! so are they not going to find out the sex?
I love surprises too. I did not know what either of my children were until I had them. That picture is so adorable. Praying that everything goes well with this pregnancy. When is the due date? Love & blessings from NC!
Such an exciting/happy/wonderful time for you sweet Nonny.
What a precious gift to you and your family. What fun anticipation. So happy for you!
He is precious, yes, I think it's a boy and I think he has K's lips!
aww, how precious!
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