New Header pics today!
Had to add the newest baby!
Their ultrasound is Wednesday.
They can find out the s*x if they want to.
They say they don't want to.
Nonny and MiMi want to know.
Thinking about paying off the ultrasound tech.!
Don't you love the new header???!!
Hi there, So very cute indeed! I had to laugh because when my girls don't find out it makes creating a quilt more challenging with not knowing the sex. Congrat's to you.
Let me know if bribing the tech works-I may have to try
Hugs today,
You are right! It is so beautiful! How could your family be pictured and it not be beautiful:)
Hope the tech thing works out. My daughter gave the tech permission to know the sex of her twins without her knowing. It was on the condition that I don't tell a soul and give absolutely no hints. It worked for me. They were surprised and I knew it all in my heart. What fun either way.
I do love the new header. I don't like knowing a babies sex before they are born though. I just think there is nothing like finding out when they are born and being able to say "It's a boy/girl". Just call me old fashioned.
The new header pics ARE cute and the part about paying off the tech made me laugh! Happy Monday!!!
Loooove it!!!!
Yes, I do love, love, love it!!
Great new pics!
Yes, I do!
Very nice.
Super cute, it looks great.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the new header! So vibrant! I know you must be pumped about the new little. So excited for you!
cute header! i love that they are going to be surprised! we did that and my mom tried every way possible to bribe me into letting her find out somehow.
I love your new header. Sorry I was not in town to meet you on Saturday. Let's do it again soon. The ultrasound picture is so cute! I did not want to know what either of my babies were. I love surprises, so I waited until they were born. Hope you are keeping cool. Love & blessings from NC!
How exciting...I love the new pictures.....
We didn't know the gender of either of our babies until they were born! the anticipation was so fun!
Love it! I said I didn't want to find out the sex of my last one (Caleb) because I figured he WAS the last one. I made it all the way up until they asked me, "Do you want to know?" and, of course, I just couldn't take it so I said, "Yes". Scott just shook his head and said, "I told you that you'd HAVE to know". LOL Congrats on the new baby to love!
Love the new header!! How exciting!
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