Thursday, July 08, 2010

Important Things Your Mom Told You

  • Never return a dish empty. You know, someone sends you a meal or a dessert in a dish and you need to return it to them. Mom always said to send it back with something in it. It doesn't have to be something you made. Perhaps fresh fruit/vegetables or their favorite candy bar. It's almost like a thank you!   

  • Never give a wallet as a gift without money in it. Even if it's a dollar. Just don't give it empty.

  • Always send a Thank You note. If someone takes the time to give you something, take the time to send them a thank you.

    • When you are spending time at someone's home, make your bed.

    • Never decorate with a candle unless you lite the wick.

    Have you heard of these tips? 
    What did YOUR mom teach YOU?


    Unknown said...

    All but the first one.. "never return a dish empty" I love that and wish I had thought of it when returning dishes from when Tyler was born!

    Sibi said...

    Good Morning Nonny!

    Just loved this post!

    I have heard of all of these wonderful pieces of advice except the one about the candle.:)

    My Mother didn't offer very much advice but I have learned quite a bit along the way on my own and have done my best to share it with my own children. :)

    here are just a couple off the top of my head.....

    Always sit like you are holding an aspirin between your knees.

    There isn't anything open after midnight except hospitals and The Waffle House. Get to the house.

    Never wear out your welcome.

    Anonymous said...

    A few I remember from my mother:(Mamaw)

    Always finish your glass of milk, NEVER pour it down the drain.

    Clean your jewelry often with baking soda and vinegar.

    Cook veggies till done! Which she considered as she put it "they should not sound like marbles when they hit the plate" (old timey way of cooking them)but still good!

    Keep your closets and drawers tidy. You never know who might take a peek inside.

    Never go to bed with dishes in the sink.

    The big one that I will forever remember her for: Get dressed every morning, put on make-up,fix your hair, so you will always be ready just in case!
    Love, Mom

    Elizabeth said...

    My mom taught me all of those, but I hadn't heard the candle thing either. I love a handwritten note more than anything but it doesn't seem like others were taught the thank you note. I got someone a wedding gift once and never received a thank you! I couldn't believe it. My mom also said to always wear nice underwear in case you're in a car wreck......and hostess gifts are always appreciated too

    Henley on the Horn said...

    I love these tips!!

    Tonja said...

    Lwr'a aee...wear clean underwear, always write a thank you note, never leave home with out enough money for a phone call (before cell phones), sometimes it hurts to be beautiful (brush rollers in my hair), know when it is time to leave.

    Tales From My Empty Nest said...

    My Mom told me the same things. My Mother loves to send people cards/thank you's, so I learned that from her. Mom always told us to wear clean underwear in case we were in a wreck and had to go to the hospital. Mom never said anything bad about anyone. Great post, Angela! I enjoyed it. Love & blessings from NC!

    Nina @ Momma Go Round said...

    Oh I love the empty dish one! That is such a great thought and a great way to say thank you. I had so many meals brought to me after my son was born...wish I had thought of that.

    My favorite that I am using now with my son (which I swore I would never do) is "I'm cold, put a jacket on". Hehe.

    Thanks for joining Follow Me Wednesday. Glad to have you!

    Wells' Mommy said...

    that is so weird i am nuts about the wick thing. its like a crazy pet peeve!

    Jenny Lynn said...

    I've always heard about the "never return a dish empty". But, bad news...I'm terrible at doing it!

    carolinagirl said...

    Great Southern advice!

    Basement Bags Girl said...

    Hadn't heard the 'dish' one, but love it. The candle tip was told to me by a friend (male) many years ago. Great post. Happy Friday!

    Southern Lady said...

    Thanks for visiting my blog and following along. I came over to visit you and enjoyed it so much, I think I'll follow along! Nice to meet you. Carla

    Rhondi said...

    Hi Nonny
    Good tips! I am glad to meet another NC blogger. You have a beautiful family.

    Justabeachkat said...

    My mama taught me every single thing you mentioned...and

    never go to bed mad

    always tell others that you love them

    always make your bed before leaving the bedroom

    cook pork thoroughly

    you can get more with honey than with be nice

    say your prayers

    I'm sure I'll think of more, but it's late. Night Night


    ...You May Say I'm A Dreamer said...

    I LOVE these!! Thanks for posting:)