Monday, February 01, 2010

The Duggar Family


I am assuming you know who they are by now. The family from Arkansas blessed with 19 children. But you may NOT know a few other facts about them.

  • They are educated people. Jim Bob served in the Arkansas House of Representatives from 1999-2002.
  • Their income is derived from the commercial properties they own.
  • They live debt-free. And that was BEFORE the TLC show.
  • They built their house by hand.
  • Their children have better manners than most children I encounter in my daily life.
  • There is more love in their home than most I see.
  • They love Jesus and try to raise their children in a way that would please Him.

Did you watch their special last night on TLC? If you didn't, you should watch the rerun. That family is precious. I hear there are *Duggar Haters*. WHAT? HOW can you not like that family? I am serious. You may not agree with their long dresses or their long hair or their way of living. But in a world where we have such a messed up view of family, I think it is refreshing to see a family with such love and respect for each other. Some may not agree with the number of children they have or   with the fact that the older children help take care of the younger children. However, I think that happens in MOST families. If a family has a 14 year old and a two year old, it is natural that the older one would help out with the younger one. It's what families do. It's part of what makes you a family. I wonder if part of the negative views of this family is jealousy? To be honest, I am a little jealous of what they have. I love their sense of family. I love the respect they have for one another. I love how they love Jesus. I love that they do not apologize for the way they live. I do not personally love their fashion sense, but they wouldn't love mine either. 

If you haven't seen this family. Give them a chance. 
They are refreshing. 

Tuesday night, Feb.2.


Henley on the Horn said...

I am a Duggar fan too. I have written about them before on my blog. I am so impressed with the way they manage all that they do and are also able to raise such wonderful children. I can't wait to see the special!

NanaNor's said...

Hi there, Monday blessings to you.
Thank you for sharing when this show will air~my daughters and their families both love the Duggar's so I will record it so they can see it...since neither has cable.
Have a wonderful week.
Hugs, Noreen

Leah Belle said...

i whole-heartedly agree. all human life is precious and i am thrilled that they are giving so many lives a chance to serve the Lord!

Grammy Suzzy said...

Oh, I just love your blog! I am the mother of 6...4 grown and gones and two left at home. I found myself saying "how do they do it" over and over, and often feeling jealous, as you so wisely saw. But, as I scolded myself, I say, as you do, what an accomplishment to raise kids that learn, that serve one another rather than constantly feel they have to fight for attention. These kids are happy, well adjusted, and know who they are and who they are responsible for...and to. Wish I had done such a great job. Now, as you have again wisely pointed out, we may not want 19 of our own, but praise them for not being on the dole, for not having children that don't know how to work! They are and have raised 19 assets to our society!! Hurray for the Duggars. And, may each of us raising kids or grandkids, or teaching, or whatever take just one good thing that they do and bring it into our lives. I think the world would be that much better, and wouldn't that be great for all of us!!!

Jenny Lynn said...

great post.

i already knew you loved them. so much you'd eat and run :) :) :)

just kidding!! i love to know that you have a "guilty pleasure" here and there.

ps. you left that book at my house :)

Megan said...

your post is so much better than mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well done on writing it!

wendi said...

I love LOVE the Duggar's! I bawled my eyes out last night watching that episode! They truly are a breath of fresh air in such a poluted world! You should read their book, it will make you love them even more!

The 5 Bickies said...

I love the Duggars and watched their show last night. I cried and cried at their tough decisions, their tiny baby, their responsibility back home, and most of all...the way their children reacted to meeting their new sister. They got it!

As I have watched them through the years I am most awed by their sense of calm and by Jim Bob and Michelle's love for each other!

Sibi said...

Hi Nonny :)

I am a fan too! What's not to love? They have more than most people I know. Wealth far beyond earthly riches. They love one another, serve one another and absolutely radiate the love of the Lord!

I am hoping to watch the special when it airs again!
(I think tonight or tomorrow night!)

Big Hug!!!


Just a little something from Judy said...

My twenty one year old daughter watched the special last evening and watches them each morning as she has her breakfast. We both think highly of this family and respect their life ideals and the way they train their children. I appreciate that you shared this today.


Count me in as a Duggar fan!! And I too watched the show last night. I have always admired them!! I can not wait to find out more about the newest member of the family!


Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

I watched it....I love this family....and watch all their shows....praying for that sweet baby...

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

I missed the special, but I hope to catch it when it comes on again. I love the Duggars. I agree with you, those children are always so well-behaved and mannerly. I love to watch their shows. I especially like the one where they went to be on TV in New York and the Mom announced that she was expecting again. It was fascinating to watch them build their house too. Much of that work was done by the whole family. Amazing!!! Love & blessings from NC!

Tonja said...

I have been a long time Duggar fan. I think they show just what a family should be. Helping and sharing and respect and nurturing. I think this is what the Lord had in mind when He established families. All working together and helping one another.
I applaud them!

Erin said...

I knew their special was coming on and i forgot to record it. Hopefully they will rerun.
You are so sweet to write about them and I couldn't agree with you more!

Mrs. Cline said...

I adore the Duggar Family. I haven't had a chance to watch their special from Sunday yet, but it is recorded and waiting for me!

Thank you for bringing attention to the special family that they are. And I agree that the "haters" are probably jealous. Heck, sometimes, I'm jealous of the family dynamic they have!

Sarah said...

Ooooh, I love you. I love the Duggar's can anyone criticize a family who is raising kind, polite, educated, thoughtful, responsible citizens of the world? I'll never get that. Probably the same people who AREN'T doing that maybe? And yes, we don't all have to agree on all religious philosophy's...what might seem weird to some, are precious to other's...often too, I think that people who speak of acceptance and tolerance and "can't we all just get along" are the first to condemn what THEY deem weird or different.

BLC :o said...

Fantastic post! I agree 100%. Xoxo-BLC

CarolinaGirl said...

I watched it too, and they are such a good christian family. I love it.

Sammy said...

I kind of a problem with all the kids with so many orphans in the world, but you do have some valid points. My 15 y.o. daughter really loves to watch them. One of the few shows on TV she is aloud to watch. : - )

Faith said...

I love the Duggar family!