This is granddaughter #2. She is 20 months. The girl is hilarious.
Her name is A...... It begins with an A...but it is NOT Lisa. She knows it.
But, to be funny she tells you her name is *Wisa* (Lisa).
Last week in the doctor's office a lady asked her name.
She promptly said "Wisa."
Her mommy said "Your name's not Lisa. Your name is A."
A said "No, it's Wisa."
Then, she laughs.
She will finally tell you her name is *A*...but not before she teases you a little.
Here she is on video.
*Wisa* has my heart.

Hi Wisa, you're so cute and pretty.
Cassy from Guitar Made Easy
Such a precious age!
Love those little ones when they get their sense of humor.
That is so cute!!! At such an early age and already has a great sense of humor!!
She is also beautiful...that "Wisa"!
Oh me, that is too cute!! Love that age!
Wisa is so precious!!! I loved hearing her talk on your video. So adorable. That reminds me of when my oldest daughter went through a time of calling me by my first name instead of calling me Mom or Mama. That brought some looks when we were out and about! LOL!!! Love & blessings from NC!
How fun to have such an adorable little one with a good sense of humor. By sharing this, you added a smile to my day. Thanks Wisa:)
I wuv the name Wisa!! That was my name when I was little too. She is so cute!!
So stinkin' adorable!
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