Surely by now you have noticed the *FEATHER CRAZE.* I think it must have become popular after Steven Tyler wore a feather in his hair on American Idol this past season. I see them in girl's hair everywhere!! Apparently they are put in with a bead clamp as an extension and last for six-eight weeks.
Funny what catches on isn't it???
One of the nieces got a feather:
What do YOU think about hair feathers???

The girls are beautiful. Feathers seem to be the thing now. One of our granddaugters was sporting one this summer. Looks like you all had a wonderful time at the beach. Family time is the best.
Well, I think it's silly...BUT, my Girl is REALLY wanting a feather! I asked her if she wants to look like a bird? Of course, she looked at me like I was sooo stupid! ha!
i think they are cute, but i won't be getting one. why? cuz i tend to rebel against fads/crazes. if the whole world is doing it, i kinda dig in my heels and rebel. for example, i don't want to read The Help or see the movie right now, cuz everyone is talking about it. I think i'm gonna get The Shack and read it now that the craze about it is over. I know, quirky fault of mine.....:)
the feather craze is everywhere here...I like it on the young girls
I have invested too much in them to not like them!
Just bought TWO feather headbands while we were at the beach! Can't wait to wear them!
I think they are cute!! But for the younger sect....definitely not the older group!!
They are cute and I guess as my mother always said, "this too shall pass!". I've seen a couple of little boys with them around here but I refuse to let my son get one. I don't want a future Steven Tyler on my hands. But for girls, I think they are cute. I'd probably be wanting one if I was in my teens too! ;-)
i can put one in for you Nonny if you want one :)
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