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A friend of mine posted THIS recently. It spoke to me.
Hope it speaks to you today.
Here's what's jumping out at me today. God creates this AWESOME world, a world that He's thrilled with. A world full of all sorts of crazy plants and animals, and then He lets man, a young man, a new man, begin assigning lasting names to them all. Here's what He's saying essentially... "here's my awesome world, now have at it, make it your own." I think this is what God means when he says, "subdue and have dominion" over the Earth.
God does not say "here's my perfect world, ITS PERFECT! so try not to wreck anything."..which is probably what I would have said. No, God knew that there would be some wreckage involved, but he still handed us the keys...and not reluctantly either! He handed us the keys to His world with joy, knowing that one day Michael Angelo would turn a cold block of marble into a masterpiece the world would marvel at forever...and the coolest thing is that God saw that coming...He saw it coming and was excited about it...and is still excited about it...the creative potential of mankind is miraculous, because it comes from a miraculous God in whos image we are made...and praise Him that He lets us learn to paint with beauty on the canvas of his wonderful creation, even when it means we're going to make a mess sometimes .

Love this!
This is great! Thanks for sharing with us!
i too, love this!
such a different outlook then any i've heard. never thought about naming the animals & how God allowed it to be so.
beautiful. to think that we are allowed choices - don't you think?
have a beautiful week!
Love this.....
This is an outstanding post! I just now walked in the door from our Bible Study, and we were looking at the character of God. This fits in perfectly! You voiced the Truth beautifully. Thank you!
I do love that...but then he was our teacher and just as we teach our children, sometimes it takes and sometimes it doesn't but we trust and he does too. :D
Once again I read a beautifully inspiring post and it motivates me to look at things a bit differently. Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful, thanks for sharing.
I love this!!! Amazing what we see when we stop and listen and then look around us. Love what he is teaching you thru you teaching the little ones.
This is awesome. love it!
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