Monday, November 12, 2012


Have you read this?

The pure GOODNESS from this girl is hard to comprehend.

Read this book. You will be inspired.


Last week I posted on Facebook that I needed clothes for a baby girl in our community. 
The response was overwhelming. 
The GOODNESS of people's hearts was revealed to me.
 Young moms responded with such hearts of giving. 
I was humbled and grateful.


And, just because this picture reminds me of the GOODNESS of God to bless us with this sweet boy..........


Have you been touched by GOODNESS lately?


GmaCarolyn said...

A wonderful inspiring book. Have you seen her blog?

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love this book! It is unlike anything I have ever read. Written from a true servant's heart...humbling and inspiring.

Just a little something from Judy said...

Her blog, her book, her life, and her relationship with God, continue to inspire and bless my life with every encounter. I thank God He has people like her in this world.

...You May Say I'm A Dreamer said...

I'm always looking for inspirational fact, that's all I read these days. Thank you for posting about her and I'll check out her blog. Also...LOVE the precious, sleeping, sweet-faced *Little*...pure goodness!!

Kimberly said...

I am on a waiting list for this book at the library. I have heard good things.

dragonfly said...

I'm finally reading this and want to give it to so many people for Christmas! Amazing!

dragonfly said...

I'm finally reading this amazing book! I plan to give it to my daughters, sons, and a few friends for Christmas!