If you remember from last summer, *Wisa* is a hoot!
She is not quite 2 1/2.
The girl is hilarious...and GROWN!
She marches to the beat of a different drummer and cracks me up!
If she doesn't want her picture made, a smile is hard to come by.
And yes, her favorite Dis*ey Princess...Tiana. (Because she's dark.) :)
She will keep you on your toes and I have to remind myself that she is not even 2 and 1/2 yet.
She reminds her mommy to get new mulch for under the playset and asks her sister if she enjoyed art at school each day. She reminds us all the time that she is going to school next year and has even said what she wants packed in her lunchbox.
She heard a song on the radio last week and asked her mom to turn it up because it was her favorite song.:) I listened to her sing along from her carseat the sweet, sweet words about Jesus and I was reminded of how her little mind is like a sponge. She is soaking it all in. I pray every day that she sees Jesus in Nonny and Poppy and that we can be an influence on her little life.
We sure do love you *Wisa*

What sweet girl and I pray she make Jesus her savior one day soon!
Love ya, Connie
How precious...aren't we thankful that each of these precious souls comes to earth with their own unique personalities? I must say that you have 5 perfectly beautiful *Littles* and I have every confidence that they are, and will be every bit as beautiful on the inside! Have a blessed sabbath...
How Precious!! Aren't we grateful that each of these precious souls comes to earth with their own unique personalities...I have no doubt that each of your 5 most perfectly beautiful *Littles* are, and will be, just as beautiful on the inside. I LOVE that they are being taught about Jesus...they are very blessed children of God who came to amazing homes and I know they will see Jesus in their Nonny & Poppy...how could they not?!? Have a blessed sabbath...
How precious! She reminds me so much of our little Paisley who is also nearly 2 1/2! Always keeping us laughing.
The grandkids sure make life fun :)
I LOVE her personality :) She is SO fun! Such a sweet post !
She has her little hands full keeping all of you guys in line! :) Love it!
Her pretty mischeivious smile. I like that she sings. Her heart must be happy.
She's adorable! Actually, ALL of your littles are!
Remember me? I've been AOL, but I'm back. I just did a post...a long one :-)
I'm going now to catch up on all your other posts. I've missed you.
Big hugs,
What a joy she must be!!!:)
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