Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Frightfully Cute Grandkids!

Baby B: Cutest 11 month old cow!!!

Twin Skeletons: six days old!

Snow White (4) and a Lady Bug (2)

BLESSED with Frightfulness of the BEST kind!


Anonymous said...

You are such a lucky Nonny! Congrats on the twins! All of your grandchildren looked absolutely precious!!

Just a little something from Judy said...

You are absolutely right! They are so frightfully cute, every single one of them. My heart swells with joy for you. I have been thinking so much about your twins lately, and praying for all of you.

Jenny said... everyone's costumes!!!

Teeter said...

You are so very blessed. Beautiful times 5.

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog these costumes are sooo adorable, congratulations on your new little additions.

Anonymous said...

PRECIOUS! Every last one of them! And even the twins got festive....wouldn't expect any less! LOVE IT!

Connie said...

So very cute!!!

Lori said...

Awww, SO adorable!! Love the skeletons. lol