Friday, July 03, 2009

It's K's BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!

One of the greatest pleasures hubby and I have ever had was welcoming two new daughters-in-law and one son-in-law to our family. We welcomed *K* into our family almost two years ago officially, but she really became a part of us in 2002. We feel like she has been a part of us forever. And we are glad!!! We know two other parents who love her too and cared about her long before we knew her:
This little doll of a girl grew up.
I wish we had known her then!!

She grew up in the cold north, but I think she has become one of *us* down sout
h now. She even says YALL sometimes!

We are so thankful for the influence K has had in our son B's life. She has stood by him and loved him through a lot of things. We are so grateful and so blessed.

K is a girl who exercises!!! She challenges me to do better. We even ran a 5K together. Well, two of them actually. And would you believe one of them was ON THE MORNING OF HER WEDDING!!!

K is all about family. I love that she sees that as important in her life. I love that she is a fantastic school teacher and that children are precious to her. We call her the *baby hog* cause she is always loving on all the babies. That's okay. When she has babies of her own, we will be hogging them!

K, thank you for loving all of us and for loving our son.
Happy Birthday!
We love you.
Your favorite in-laws!

**Added note:
When she was little, K's sweet dad always told her all the fireworks on the 4th of July were in celebration of her birthday!That's a dad who wanted his girl to feel special!!


Bacardi Mama said...

We are both so blessed. I feel the same about my sons-in-law. Happy Birthday K!!!!!

Betsy said...

Happy Birthday to K! You are always so sweet to comment on my blog. I love reading yours, too!

Let's see...the other night we played a game called Beacon Hill rummy. We also play a game called Golf, and we play something called Oh *ell! (Wonder if that's like Oh Well??) haha

Playing cards in the summer is one of our favorite things to do. :)

Happy July 4th!

Justabeachkat said...

Happy Birthday K! The fireworks ARE for you.

Happy 4th!

MiMi said...

What a sweet post!

Happy Birthday, K!!

The 5 Bickies said...

I love how sweet you are in to sons and daughters in law. They are lucky to have you!

Teeter said...

well that is just the sweetest post ever.....makes me feel guilty about my own son's birthday post... maybe ONE day...ill get those pix scanned!

what a nice way of showing her your complete love! You guys are the best!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I had that toy car in photo number three, I had forgotten about it until I saw the pic, thanks for the memory.