Summer continues to roll along hot hot,
but we HAVE had a little rain lately which has helped!
Poppy and I are gearing up for our family beach trip that we take every year in August.
We've done some Costco and BJ shopping..............
The girls are growing and are so much fun. Their favorite past time is playing with their baby dolls. They love pool time and outdoor time too.
They are at such fun ages!
Today was FREE Chick-Fil-A day if you dress up like a cow.
Aren't they the cutest cows ever? :)
Baby B is growing and changing every day. He is one active baby boy and it's hard to believe he is already 19 months old! He still LOVES being outside and I love that about him. He has spent some time this summer at the shore in New Jersey with his other grandparents and is loving that they have a puppy. His mom sent me this picture.
Melt My Heart Baby B!
The word how those boys have grown. They are eating table food and drinking from a sippy cup. They sit alone and are on the brink of crawling. Teeth are coming in like crazy and it seems like they do something new every day.
Baby T:
Baby C:
A friend and I are trying to eat more protein and less carbs.
We read the book
The Metabolism Miracle after reading about it on Suz's blog.
This is week two...
I DO feel like I have lost inches and have more energy...which was the goal.
I miss fruits though and can't wait to add them back in.
Poppy continues to train for his week long bike ride in the fall from the mountains to the coast.
I continue to be amazed that anyone could do that.........
He has a new bike this year so he is EXTRA excited about his ride.
That's what's happening here.
Hope your summer is a good one!

It's been hot, hot, hot here in WV too! We got a soaking rain last night & most of the day ... We sure needed it. Thanks for sharing your pics. Those are some adorable grandbabies you've got there ... aren't they just the best thing ever? Yep! :) I look forward to hearing how 'The Metabolism Miracle' works ... I'd miss fruit too. (How long do you have to be without it?) Good luck to Poppy & his training. My youngest son is big into mountain biking. The hubs used to be but a broken shoulder - on his bike - years ago slowed him down & ultimately he quit altogether :(
love love love summer! My favorite! i know you all will have a blessed beach trip!
I hope you enjoy your beach trip as much as we did ours! The grands make it so much fun! Can not believe how much the twins have grown! And all your grand babies are precious!
I finally posted on my blog. Hop over and see a few of our beach pictures!
Shew tired just reading your post! :) Happy Summertime!
I could look at your littles all days long. So cute and some even in duplicate, lol.
Our beach trip with the fam was in June. Best advice (if you need it) take twice as many trash bags as clothes. Enjoy!
Thanks for stopping by my MilandDil blog. :)
Your littles are growing so fast. All are so stinkin' cute.
I haven't ridden my bike in over a month, but now that the move is over I'm planning to get back on it.
Good luck with your new diet.
You do have the cutest little grands ever! Your twins are growing up so quickly. It is fun for me to watch them grow.
Hope you have a good time at the beach.
Love the cows, but all of your grand-babies are the cutest!
Your hubby and my hubby would have a great time riding together....maybe they'll pass each other someday here in the Carolinas!:)
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