Linking up every Friday with Lori over at Five Crooked Halos..........
(Today's FQF is being hosted by Kate while Five Crooked Halos is on vacation!)
(Today's FQF is being hosted by Kate while Five Crooked Halos is on vacation!)
Flip flops.....thongs are panties:)
#2. Are you a "my kids can do no wrong" kind of mom or a "Johnny punched you,
well, what did you do to him FIRST?" kind of mom.
With my own kids, I was a "what did you do to him first?" kind of mom. But, with my grands I
am completely opposite. :)
#3. Would you confront a good friend that looks down on your husband/significant other?
Hmmm....probably not. You can't change how a person feels about someone. On the flip
side, if it was because hubs did something to directly offend them, I would probably discuss
it with my friend.
#4. Biggest Pet Peeve?
People who are ALWAYS late. Oh, and ABLE people who do not put shopping carts back.
#5. What's your favorite take out meal?
White Pizza!!!! L O V E I T!
I hope to do this every Friday...we'll see how it goes!
Let me know your answers in comments!

Yep, thongs are panties; maybe that's why I quit calling the shoes by that name!
And, just the other day, after I took a shopping cart back inside, my husband commented that no one else would do that; I told him that's a good indicator of what's wrong with the world today. ;-)
I am a pet peeve! Always late :( Sheesh. Wish I would be better about that!
Jenny Lynn....Nope....sorry, YOU don't get the credit. You have a pass....twins! And, I have never thought of you as always being late....never.
Ha, I like this. I stopped by here yesterday and wanted to do this but then got distracted and forgot...maybe another week. :)
#1...flip flops!
#3...Nope..it is their problem!
#4...same as yours (people who are ALWAYS late, not just occasionally)
and people that lick their fingers when eating..Napkin Please!
#5...I really do not like any take out food...Do not like fast food at all! But if I have to have it, it would probably be Chick-Fil-A.
Thanks for stopping by..and encouraging me.....Meeting Kat was so special
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