Yesterday I was reading a post from my friend Kat. She referred to herself as *GOOSE* when speaking of what her grandchildren call her. I have sent her a note asking why that name and it made me wonder....
"What do your grands call you, or what do you call your grandparents?"
I called my grandmother MaMaw. I don't know why. I'll have to find out.
My grands call me Nonny.
I have some dear friends that are called Nonny and Poppy and I loved it.... so, I suggested it to my daughter. She liked it too, so Nonny it is!
Tell me tell me.....what about YOU?
What do you call your grandparents?
Or, what do your grands call you.....and WHY?

When I was little I called my grandparents Duma & Tuna and I have no clue where it came from but they signed cards that way and mom said that's what I called them. Now, they are Gramma and Poppy or GMa/GmaUnit/ gramma is rather hip :)
Okay, here's the "scoop" - When my son-in-law came to our house for the very first time, I guess he was a bit nervous because he kept playing with his paper cocktail napkin. I teasingly asked him if he was trying to do origami. He held up his "creation" and said "it's a goose!" We laughed and I put it aside telling him it was the nicest gift. The next morning he asked where it was. I told him it was somewhere safe. "The trash, right?" he said and we both laughed. Starting then, he calls me Goose. His Mom calls me MaGoose. Her name is Teresa, but everyone calls her MTee (for Mom Teresa). I told her it wasn't fair that I'm Mother Goose and she's Mother Teresa! HA!
BTW...I called my grandparents Grandmother and Granddad. My children call my Mom MeMaw. My other grandchildren call me MeMe. I'm not sure if it's going to confuse Daven, but Jay and Bree want him to call me Goose.
Growing up I called my grandparents Grandma and Grandpa and their last names, One Grandma was by her first name, Grandma Sadie. I am wondering if using other names are a regional thing as my cousins who grew up in Texas and the east coast all have names for their grandparents, like MiMi and BooBoo. My kids call their grandparents Grandma and Grandpa too. Seems like our friends around here all use Grandma and Grandpa too. I'd be curious to find out the difference.
My mom and dad are Grammy and Grandpa, my husband's parents are Nana and Pops. My grandparents were always Grandma and Grandpa, but my husband has a a Gommer & Pop and a Bunny & Pop. His family is far more creative than mine :)
(First time commenter, but I've been reading for awhile, love your blog!)
When I was young, I had a Tutu and Grampa. My mom, to my children, was Nano (after her grandmother). To our grandkids, we are Papa and Grammy.
I had a Granny and a Ruth. Yes, Granny was my grandfather. I suppose I couldn't say grandaddy and shortened it. He loved it,though. When I was little I had a friend who had a granny. I thought he was weird because his granny was a woman! Ruth was my grandmother's actual name. BTW, don't know how I found it, but I love your blog!
My grandson has 3 sets of grandparents, my DIL's parents were Nana Pat and PaPa already as they have older grandchildren. My ex-husband and wife were already Grandpa and Grandma, so I needed something different. My husband decided to be Tito which is a shortened version of the Spanish work for Little Grandpa, Abuelito. His parents are called Tito and Tita. I did not want to be Tita because my background is Norweigian not Mexican. I chose Gram because I like the way it sounds.
My grandparents were Nanny and Pop and the other one was Granny. My kids call my mom "Buff" and her other grandchildren call her "Grams." She was supposed to be Grams for all the kids but my son couldn't say that and somehow "Buff" came out instead. She loves it and won't let him change it now!
We are pretty traditional around here. I called one set of grandparent Grandma and Grandpa, the other Grandmother and Granddaddy. My children had Grandma and Grandpa and Nana and Papa.
mom's side: mammaw & papa.
dad's side: mema & papa ted.
For almost 20 years I was "Grandmother" to my three grandchildren...they liked it, my children like it and I liked it...along came my youngest daughters children and my grandson (completely out of the blue) began calling me, the three youngest grandbabies (and great granddaughter!) call me MiMi and I absolutely love it...Of course I still answer to anything any of them call me as I am blessed to be able to answer :) Totally enjoy following you blog...thank you!
My grandchildren call us Mimi and Grumpy. When my daughter was pregnant with the first grand child one of her friends suggested Mimi to me because she said the children could say that very early, she was right. I have a friend and their grands call her husband Grumpy and I loved that - the kids love calling him Grumpy. He is not Grumpy at all with them.
I know a family that the grandmother always sang twinkle twinkle little star to the grand daughter and so when she started talking she has always called the grandmother, "twinkle star", how precious is that?
I was going to be NANA. But your oldest son 'B' was the first grandchild and when we told him to say nana,he said "NANNY" and nanny it is, and always will be.
My grandparents were Granny and Granddaddy...both sets. My Children called my parents Granny and Papa, and Grandma and Grandaddy.
Now with baby Levi...I just wanted something easy, but cool...different but granny like. So, when Levi was hospitalized for 2 weeks when he was 1 week old, we had lots of time to ponder what we liked. Suzanne (DIL) and her Mom chose Mia for her Mom and Papa for her Dad. Don is Grandaddy and I am Lulu. I like my name. I wanted it to be something he would not be embaressed to call me when he was a teenager!
The 5 year old calls me grandma and the 3 year old and 18 month old call me grammy. They all call my husband poppa. I called my grandparents grandma and grandpa and I wish they were all still here so I still could.
I called both sets of my grandparents, Grandpa and Grandma. I never thought to call them any other name. My grandchildren call us, Pawpa and Mawma. It took us a long time to come up with that name, and I am not sure how we did. Now, it just seems to fit us perfectly.
I must admit, that picture of the two of you and your grandchildren, is certainly a beautiful picture!
We are Nonnie and Poppie~ as you are!
I called my grandparents 'grandmama and granddaddy'. My children called my parents the same. Our children called my husband's parents "Maa, and Daddy Ray."
It is so fun picking out a name for your grandchildren to call you. One of the blessings we get to enjoy.
I guess we are boring...I called all 4 of my grandparents grandma and grandpa, that's what my girls called their 4 grandparents, and both sets of my grandchildren have 4 grandparents each ~ and you guessed it ~ we are all grandma and grandpa!!
At least the Hallmark cards work for us!!
There are three sets of grandparents in this family also! :) My grands call us Nonnie and Popsy. Not knowing what I wanted to be called, I hunted and hunted and my SIL didn't like some of the names. Sooo, I did a little research and found Nonnie - I called one of my grandmothers Nannie and LOVED her so but felt that was a little old for me - so I said Nonnie. I asked my first grand on her first birthday if she liked Nonnie, she said it, we shouted cause she wasn't talking much then, and there you have it! She didn't say it again for 2 months!! Ha!!
My grandparents were Nannie and PaPa and Grandmother and Granddaddy.
Love your blog!!!
My daughter called my Mom "Gramcracker" for awhile when she was really little.. Now it is just "Memaw".. My cousin calls his grandmother "CooCoo" and boy does it fit! He came up with it on his own! LOL -Lisa
All my grands call me Nana! I have always said I don't care what they call me just so they call me. So Nana it is! To our babies we are Nana and Papa!
I had a granny and a grandma and never had a grandpa until my grandma married a family friend. My children called both their grandma's grandma and their grandpa's were papa and granddaddy. My grandchildren call me grandma and the hubby grandpa. My sweet Bella tells everyone I'm her only grandma because her other grandma wanted to be called "Honey" I love that girl!!!
So many great stories and fun glad to be grandma to my sweet ones!! Love the photo of you with your three!! Soon to be FIVE!!!
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