Monday, October 03, 2011

It's Still ME............

Most of you will never notice this, BUT, my URL has changed!! (That's what you type in the search bar to look for me.) It WAS www.prayingfriend....and I still pray :), but now you can find me @!!! It should change automatically so you probably won't need to do a thing! I feel so important now!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks DIL!

And speaking of DIL....

Mommy of twin boys....29.5 weeks!


momof3 said...

you ARE important :)
yeah j...looking great. stay put babies and grow, grow, grow!!!

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

What a beautiful DIL you have. And twins. Oh my!!

I've not stopped by in a while...but I'm glad I finally did.

Have a blessed day.

Anonymous said...

She looks great. Praying for everyone 's continued good health and a safe delivery.

What fun!

sharon said...

Your DIL looks beautiful! I continue to pray that all goes well!

Puppy Dog Tales said...

Ummmm, how is it that she is only 4 weeks behind me and carrying twins but I'm at least three times as big as her?! Clearly she has not been gorging herself on Krispy Kreme the way I have... :)
Seriously, she looks fantastic and I'm glad those boys are still cooking away! Praying for the rest of the pregnancy to be blessed and healthy!

Just a little something from Judy said...

What a beautiful daughter-in-law you have! She looks so pretty in that color.

3 Peanuts said...

She looks beautiful!