Thursday, May 13, 2010

Golf. It's My Life.

The Hubs and the oldest son played in a tourney yesterday.

Hubs is recovering from knee surgery, so he can only putt.

So, the son takes up his slack.

It's a blessing that they play together.

Golf. Yeh, it's my life.

And I don't even play.

*edited to add: These pics were not taken yesterday. Hubs has lost 50 pounds since this pic. He wanted you to know.


Jenny Lynn said...

And he looks great, I might add :)
I thought that was Jay in the background. I was wondering if he flew in for the tournament. Haha!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

I have a son-in-law that golf is pretty dear to his heart and he is a great golfer....

Just a little something from Judy said...

Many of the people in my life are golfers too. I enjoy watching it. As for your hubs...good for him in loosing 50 pounds. Quite an accomplishment!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Congratulations to your husband on losing 50 lbs. That is awesome!! It is still a great picture of the 2 of them in the golf cart together. My husband used to play a lot of golf, but does not play that much these days. My brother-in-law works at a golf course in the mountains. Hope your week is going well. Love & blessings from NC!

Tonja said...

I know nothing about golf. The people who play seem to love it so! And, those who don't, think it's overrated. Personally, I prefer my exercise where there's more of a cool breeze!

Tell hubby 'way to go' on the 50 lbs.!