Monday, December 21, 2009

Look What I Got...Sort-Of!!!

My daughter-in-law

(who is also my blogging buddy)

gave me a great gift for Christmas!!

My blog in a book......

(Well, it's on it's way...but this is what it will look like)

How is THAT for one of the greatest gifts ever...?!

She scored some big brownie points!!!!

Thank you J and J!

I love you much!



Elizabeth said...

that is so cool! do you know how or where she did that?

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Love it...It has been such a blessing to meet you in blogland...You have enriched my life. Blessings to you and yours....Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with many blessings.
Grammy Girlfriend

Jenny Lynn said...

if your tacky, sorry DIL would have gotten it here on time it would have been waayyyy cooler :)

Rach said...

Really neat!

Bacardi Mama said...

What a great gift!

Tonja said...

That's wonderful! I've seen those and thought about doing it myself. I'll be interested to her about the quality once you see it. What a thoughtful gift!

carolinagirl said...

That is so great! I want to publish mine as a scrapbook for Emma.

Megan said...

how awesome!!!! what a great gift and something that the entire family can cherish! she's so crafty.

Connie said...

What a great gift!!! I know you will read it many times.
Especially with those cute new baby photos in it. You have two of the cutest girl grandbabies I've ever seen!!


Anonymous said...

That is awesome! I want one! My friend just ordered one! I get to see it tonight! Let me know where they ordered it from. I may get one too!

Just a little something from Judy said...

Perfect gift! She must have been so excited when she was able to think of something so special. She must be as creative as you.

Nonni said...

What a wonderful gift! I would love to do this for Amanda's blog.
Please let me know where she ordered it. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Justabeachkat said...

What a wonderful idea! Can you tell me how to go about ordering one? Has yours arrived yet?

Happy New Year sweet friend!

Hugs from the beach!

nancygrayce said...

What a great gift!