Tuesday, May 05, 2009

This Guy Is Graduating!!

This weekend is a big one! Not the least of these is graduation for B. He is FINALLY getting his undergrad... He didn't do it the conventional way, but he DID IT. And we are still very proud!
I must say, my hat is off to his wife, K. She has been an encourager and has patiently (and sometimes not so patiently) waited on him to finish. Thank You, K, for loving him and believing in him.
So glad you were determined. So glad you didn't give up.
Happy Graduation Day!
We love You.
Mom and Dad


Jenny Lynn said...

YAY!! So exciting :)

I need to be an encourager to his little brother!

BLC :o said...

Awe!! Congratulations B!!! That is huge. Xoxo-BLC

Bacardi Mama said...

Oh congratulations B! What a wonderful accomplishment.

Anonymous said...

We are very proud of you B! Our very 'first' grandchild. We love you very much. N&G

smcvicker said...

Congratulations, B! I am so proud of you for sticking with it and not giving up.

dee said...

Congratulations, B!