Saturday, May 16, 2009

Happy Third Birthday M!!!

What a joy this one is!
M was born May 11, 2006 to my oldest n
iece, J.Before we knew it, you turned ONE!
Your mommy had you a baby brother!

Elmo became your best friend...And, you turned TWO!!!

Now you are three!!! You think you are six...and sometimes you act like it too! I love your free spirit and the way you pretend and play make believe. (And I love that your mommy is relaxed enough to let you do it! She even let you stand in the refrigerator to pose with your princess cake.)

I hope you have a wonderful Princess Party.
You are MY princess and I love you with all my heart!
Happy Birthday!
Love, Miss Angelove


Bacardi Mama said...

Happy Birthday!! My grand daughter will be three next week.

momof3 said...

I love my pictures!!!! thank you for coming by to see me. i've been drinking out of my water bottle all morning. i love you, miss sanshelove!!!

Tonja said...

Just too cute! Time flies, doesn't it?

smcvicker said...
