On Tuesday I noticed...OH MY WORD. Three more posts and it will be my 100th!!! So, in honor of 100 posts, I will have a give away!! (The winner will be picked in a random drawing from random.org.) This is what the winner will receive:
My daughter monograms these great *waffle* towels. I use mine in my kitchen and at my bathroom sinks! You will win two of these and can have them monogrammed in any color,with one initial or three.
Leave a comment to enter. I'll end the contest on Saturday morning, April 11. You do not have to have a blog to enter. Just make sure you leave me an e mail address so I can get in touch with you.
Now, in honor of 100 posts, I will post 100 random things about me!
- I am 52.
- That means I have lived longer than I WILL live.
- I have never thrown up. Never.
- Jesus is Lord of my life.
- Nothing, other than Him, means more to me than my family.
- My grandaughter is one of the greatest joys of my life.
- I go to the YMCA every weekday morning at 5:00 a.m.
- You can't really tell it, but I know that the exercise is good for me.
- I have been married almost 34 years.
- Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday.
- I don't like animals.
- I have a dog. I like him.
- I love Camp Lurecrest.
- I adore weddings.
- Receiving Christmas cards in my mailbox, with pictures on them, makes me happy!
- Summer is my favorite season because I love hot weather.
- Multiple births have always fascinated me.
- My nieces/nephews call me Miss Angelove.
- E.C. calls me Nonny.
- They could call me anything and I would love them.
- I love diet coke. In a styrofoam cup. With a straw. I am not picky.
- I am addicted to blog reading.
- I work for my husband. Well, with him, but for him.
- Pink is my favorite color.
- I cannot stand being cold.
- Anything below 75 degrees is cold to me.
- Heated seats make me happy.
- I am a list maker.
- I have been known to add things I've already done to a list just to mark them off.
- I love that I truly know God's grace.
- I love gas logs.
- And homemade ice cream
- I wear pearls every.single.day.
- A gardenia is my favorite flower.
- I am a southern girl...to the core.
- I want to take a trip to Maine.
- In a car.
- With my hubby.
- I work with some great people.
- I loved being pregnant.
- I gave birth to three children.
- I wish I had given birth to five.
- My favorite girl's name is Trilla Belle. Noone else likes it.
- My favorite boy's name is Oliver.
- Pedicures make me feel good.
- My finger nails ALWAYS look bad.
- I have no sense of direction. None.
- My *Beach Buddies* bring me joy.
- I am usually the planner in our group.
- Well, in most any group for that matter.
- I remember the words to most songs.
- I NEVER know who sings the songs. Never.
- I love reading Karen Kingsbury books.
- And Francine Rivers.
- And Nicholas Sparks.
- I just plain love to read.
- My favorite bible verse is from Psalms.
- *Be still and know that I am God*.
- Cinnamon toast and homemade macaroni and cheese are my comfort foods.
- The only food that I do not like is oatmeal.
- I know my parents love me. That's a good thing to know.
- If I could choose one thing to do that I can't do, it would be to speak another language.
- My son-in-law speaks three. UGH!
- Thinking of 100 things is hard for me.
- I actually had to look at other lists to remind me of who I am and what I like.
- I am never without lipstick. I feel naked without it.
- Love me some gummy bears. But only one kind. Haribo.
- I really do not like to fly.
- But I would fly anywhere to see my family.
- Laundry is my favorite chore. I DO NOT let it pile up. Even when all the kids were home.
- Love me some ACC basketball. Go Duke!
- I will choose coconut or lemon over chocolate.
- Never met a doughnut I didn't like.
- I don't like water. I drink it. But I don't like it. Even with lemon. Even with ice.
- I do not like it Sam I Am.
- Massage.........ahhhhhhhhhhh.
- Love a hot bath.
- Saw E.C. 's birth. One of the greatest moments of my life.
- I will be forever grateful that her parents allowed me that privilege.
- Being a Nonny brings me joy.
- I am addicted to children's clothing stores.
- And children's shoe stores.
- Smocking and monogramming make me happy.
- I call my alone time with God...Cabin Corners. Comes from my days at summer camp.
- Being a mother-in law is great.
- I love my son-in-law.
- I love my two daughters-in-law. (Is that the correct way to say it?)
- I want to be a mother-in-law that they are proud of.
- I love fresh fruit.
- I miss my big sister.
- We all do.
- I never knew how much joy a daughter would bring me.
- Or two sons.
- My marriage gets better every day.
- My husband is better to me than I am to him.
- I need to change that.
- Jesus is Lord of my life.
- It's what I want people to know most about me.
- Giving to others makes me happy.
- I am a rules girl. So I had to do exactly 100.
Awww....I bet you are the best mother in law...and nonny too! We have a lot in common; I make lists, my fingernails always look bad, I'm addicted to blogging, I love smocking and monogramming, I hate being cold.....let's see I know there were a couple of more!
I can't believe you've never thrown up! Lucky!
I want to enter your giveaway...do I just leave a comment to enter?
We have so much in common...it's crazy and especially the never being without lipstick! :) In addition to that...I have 2 sons and a daughter...love gummys, love massages, love to read, love macaroni and cheese and cinnamon toast, love being grandma or nonny too!, love picture Christmas cards, love Jesus and a lot more! What a great list! Thanks for your kind comments about my son moving to Colorado...they made it! Connie
What an awesome giveaway! We have so much in common...most of that felt like I was reading about myself - of course, not the Duke part ;)!
PS - I left something for you on my blog.
Congrats on your 100th post! I enjoyed reading your list! Please count me in for the giveaway!
I love your blog look too!
I loved reading your 100 things about me post. We have so much in common...especially the loving Jesus part!
I want to me a mother-in-law and grandmother too!! Unfortunately, it's no where in sight. I just keep telling myself "all in God's timing!"
I'd love, love, love to win your giveaway! I love anything monogrammed!
It was great to learn more about you! Congrats on the 100 posts...good for you! Love the monogramed towels. Your daughter does a very nice job with those.
Loved your list. I, too, am a list maker and I always add items just to be able to cross them off. I enjoy your blog, I visit almost everyday. I am amazed at how many things we have in common even though I have never been to the south.
I love reading your blog. It gives me comfort!
I'm also a grandmother (grammie) to a little girl. Isn't it awesome??!!?
Congrats on your 100th post!
Oh, tell Gretch that I love the towels and if I don't win I want her to make me some! I will pay, but I hope I don't have to! Love them!
It would take me days to think of 100 things. You're so smart! You're a good Nonny!
OMGoodness, do you know how much we have in common???? Scary!!! let's see....#4, 7 (i run at 5:00 am), 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 24, 25, 29, 35, 40, 41, 42, 45, 49, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 59, 61, 62, 66, 67, 70, 72, 74, 81, 82, 83, 89 - I know this post is about you and not me, but as I was reading it, it was INSANE how alike we are - not to mention the biggest one -- EC!!!!! Thanks for sharing - and I would LOVE those towels!!!
Thank you for commenting and your prayers!!
Very cute, love your give-a-way!!
enter me! enter me!
love you!
I, too, will add to my list so that I can mark it off. The towels that your daughter makes are lovely. Jeanne S.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your comment was so sweet! I'm impressed by your 100 things! And I have to say, my fingernails also, always look bad!! And my toenails!
I had not blogged in days because it was number 100 and I was not blogging until I had time to sit down and do 100 things about me. I read yours last night and it motivated me to get it done. I was up until 1:45 am. Happy 100th to you... Please enter me for the giveaway. Have a great Easter weekend...
100! WOW!
4, 16, 40, 56, and 75. Yep, me, too!
Oh, and the fingernails one!
Many hugs to you.
Everyone should be lucky enough to have a mom/mom-in-law like you!
And, like Elizabeth, I can NOT believe you have never thrown up. Really? I mean, really-really? Wow. That kind of control is impressive!
PS. I can never FIND my lipstick. I think it's under the blankets in the back of the SUV.
Another giveway!Fun! Maybe this time I will win. I was only one off last time and if my comment had been a minute later I would have been the winner. I am pretty competitive. Can you tell?! Hope you have fun with G,A and EC! Happy Easter to you all!
enter me n
I've been a bad blog friend lately. Shame on me, but life has been crazy, but in a good way. I've had fun catching up with you though. I loved reading your 100 Things About Me...we have lots and lots in common. But girl...would you really take coconut or lemon over chocolate? Really? That's just not right. LOL Gosh, I hate I missed out on your giveaway, but I'm so glad our friend Tonja won.
Happy Easter too you and your family.
I am jealous, how have you never thrown up???? That's one of my biggest weirdo fears...
what a great read! Loved it...ALL of it....I wanna do one for my 100 the post.. I BETTER GET BACK TO BLOGGING!
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