Sunday, December 07, 2008

Christmas in a Small Town

I still don't think of myself as a *small town* girl..though I've lived here for most of my adult life. I was raised near the *Queen City* and still love the atmosphere of a large city. But small town it was to raise our children, and we're still here! It WAS a great place to raise children. Everyone knows everyone and there is often a sense of *family*. Some small towns lose their desire to be a better place. They often lack in funds to keep their town alive and updated. Not so with this small town. The Arts Council is very alive and very active. (As I type, we are planning a Children's Museum for 2009). There are many beautiful buildings and many have been restored to show their original beginnings. Maybe I'll show those in the future. But, for today, I wanted to focus on the *windows* of a small town. The downtown businesses all decorate their windows...much like the Queen City did back in the 60's. The pictures I took don't do them justice, as they are lit at night and are so pretty!


dee said...

Oooh-love it! That was a great idea.

Justabeachkat said...

How nice. I bet they're really pretty at night all lit up.

Merry Christmas

Jenny Lynn said...

they are so pretty!

the parade had quite the small town feel too!

Leah Belle said...

these are awesome, angela. thanks for sharing!

Sheri said...

This is so neat! Thankfully there are still wonderful little small towns like yours.