Wednesday, October 25, 2017


These "little old men" have grown!

Gosh boys, can you slow down already? I'm so proud of both of you. I love how you both know more Bible stories than I do and that you both have a heart for Jesus. But there are some differences too  and I always love celebrating what makes each of you unique.

You are extremely sensitive.
Your feelings run deep. You sympathize big and your anger is big!
You are very athletic. (You got that from Nonny. Not.)
You are super competitive with your brother and it's a constant battle. 
(You remind us all the time that Crews is the oldest, but you are the biggest.) 
You make me so proud to be your Nonny.
I love you BIG, TaterBug!

You are the most happy go lucky little boy ever!
Everything is funny to you and your toothless smile lights up a room!
You are scrappy and quick and can hold your own with the big kids around!
You run and jump into my arms every time I see you, and I adore that about you!
You make me proud to be your Nonny.
I love you BIG, Crewsie!

Happy 6th Birthday boys!


Lisa Odom said...

Look at how little they were! (Cutest old men ever!) God is GOOD!

sharon said...

Happy birthday! Isn't it amazing how twins can be so different. I know ours are!