Thursday, September 05, 2013


LOOK who started to preschool today!!!

LOOK who got a new tooth!!!
(And it's not the one with the pink bow!!)

LOOK who LOVES to ride the horsie.......

LOOK who thinks Poppy is funny.....

Lots to LOOK at and be thankful for this week.

Trying hard to LOOK for things to be INTENTIONAL about.

There are lots of blessings all around you.

Just LOOK for them.


debi said...

They are all so so precious!


Lisa Odom said...

LOOK at all of those beautiful grand babies!!!

Francie said...

Love your blog, can relate as a grandma to 7 grands and also 2 sets of twins, in the same family. When the little ones leave, I treasure finding toys, under bushes, in cupboards and sidewalk art, all make me smile. Lots of missing teeth with our 3-7 year olds and new beginnings in pre-K, and K and nursery school. Oh, they grow so fast!