Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Thank You Jesus

During the prayer before our Easter meal, my sister poked me and told me to open my eyes. 

Sweet little M (my niece) was praying with her hands raised. 

She is five.

Thank you Jesus for the heart of a child.

For the heart of THIS child.


His Doorkeeper said...

I saw this on FB this morning and thought it was the sweetest thing I have ever seen! What a heart she must have! Thanks for posting it! Gives us "older" people hope for the next generation, doesn't it?
The other Nonny!

Becky Smith said...

As I had out to church this morning, I am reminded to become like a little child--to become like your granddaughter!

So precious.

Just a little something from Judy said...

Precious picture of a little one with a heart for God. So sweet!

teresa at Nonnie's Blessings said...

This brought tears....
So very sweet, and precious is the heart of a child.

Teresa, (ANOTHER Nonnie!!!!)