Thursday, August 16, 2012

ME in the pictures

How many pictures do you have of yourself?


Not many.

It's pretty awkward to hand your camera to someone and say

*Will you take a picture of ME?*

Ummm, yeh.

A friend's mother died recently.

During a series of events after her funeral, my friend took pictures....

of herself.

Having fun.


The way she wants to be remembered when she is no longer here.

She encouraged me to do the same.

I think I'll start laying my camera out at family functions.

I think I'll let everyone know to grab my camera and take pics.....

of me, of everything.

That way I'm not the only one taking the pictures.

Do you share my lack of pictures?

It's memories we are sharing here.

Not makeup, or perfect hair.


The twins will never remember this happening.

But, they will have the picture.

Let's challenge ourselves to do this.

Are you in?


Becki@Just The Three of Us said...

You are sooo right! This is such a wonderful picture and the twins will treasure it when they are older. I am so totally in with you on this challenge!

Sue said...

I feel exactly the same way and it has been a struggle for me to get in front of the camera. When my first grandchild was born my girls mentioned the lack of "me" in pictures. I, too, want the kids to have some pics of all of the happy times we spend together. So now I just get in there!

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Wow- great post! I am the same way- no pics of myself. I must must change that!!


Samantha said...

I have to tell you this picture brought tears to my eyes. Super sweet.Look at the sweet face of twin on the left, so content :) I think I am mourning that babyhood has officially left my house. My
third baby (and the last for sure) just turned 16m and starts MMO in 2 weeks. Officially a toddler. She's also spending time with her Memee right now for a couple of days and being held and spoiled I'm sure (and not in competition for attention with her brother age 6, and sister age 2.5) .Maybe she'll stay babyish for a little longer afterall. Sweet memories. My children treasure their time with their grandmother, as I know your grandchildren do and will even more as they grow older. I am the family photographer and always behind the camera, which I do not mind. We have family pictures taken at least once a year so my children can remember how I used to look! Oh, and the beach pictures made me laugh. We've tried to do group pictures with all my mom's grandchildren (ages 7, 6, 4, 2, and 1) Always a CHALLENGE!!!

BLC :o said...

LOVE this post!!! And I couldn't agree more --- take LOADS of pictures. I think you always look beautiful and couldn't take a bad picture if you tried!!! Xoxo-BLC

Jenny said...

What a sweet picture of you and your two precious boys!

momof3 said...

so true! i felt the same way after mom died...i wish i had more pics of her. i am trying to do better!
love you

Anonymous said...

Nonny! You are right on the awkward as it may be, I DO ask people to take pics of me and my; girls, me and the hubby....Sometimes when we are somewhere, I will joke with my hubby and say, "will take a pic with me in it so the girls will know I was here too?" Yes....I am always behind the camera documenting every precious moment....making a conscious effort to be present in pics is so worth it!

Unknown said...

Oh, I LOVE this idea! I always want to capture everyone else on film so that I can remember every detail about them, but I rarely let anyone else do that with me. I have to remember that none of us will care in 20 years whether I was having a bad hair day or needed to lose 5 pounds! Thanks for the new perspective. Love your blog!