Thursday, December 15, 2011


* Update: She did GREAT!*
Tomorrow morning she's having tubes put in her ears.

Just a minor surgery...until it happens to YOUR granddaughter.

Pray for this baby girl if you think about her.

Her ears are in our Lord's hands.

I know she will be fine......

Thank you for praying.


...You May Say I'm A Dreamer said...

Praying for you sweet *Little*...two of mine have had them and it has made a HUGE difference! God will take good care of her;)

Connie said...

Praying for your little this morning....the twins are precious and how fun for them to visit you at your house!! Merry Christmas!!

Kelley said...

Praying for her! She looks like a sweetheart! Merry Christmas!

Amanda Pilkinton said...

Praying for that sweet girl!!!

Justabeachkat said...

Just stopped and prayed for that sweet precious girl.

Christmas hugs for YOU,

sharon said...

You are so right! It is minor till it is happening to your family! Praying!

Just a little something from Judy said...

I know your heart. When they hurt, we hurt. I would love to pray for her and for you. I have had family go through this surgery and what a difference it made. I pray for peace in your heart, and for no pain for that pretty little girl of yours.

Barrett said...

Hugs and prayers to her!

Jennifer said...

Sweet girl will be just fine! Praying!

Teeter said...

Praying for the little sweet lady bug. Tubes were a God send for Ryan.