Thursday, December 09, 2010

Valet Parking At It's Finest!

I figured it out. It's not the Christmas SHOPPING I don't like. 

It's the 

"finding a parking place, getting back in a cold car"

 that takes the joy out of the shopping.

So, I decided to hire a VALET to park for me.

He drives me up to the door of the store,

Waits in the warm car....sometimes up to 30 minutes at each store,

And pulls right up to the door when he sees me walk out!

It's how I've done all my shopping this year (other than what I've done on-line).

It's fabulous.

He's Cheap....And PATIENT!

Thanks Hubs. You are the Best VALET Parker EVER!


Tonja said...

What a cute picture!

Sounds like you have it well figured out! I'm with you...don't mind the's the getting out and going store to store and getting cold and especially...keeping up with a jaket or sweater!

carolinagirl said...

Love that post!

nanny said...

Well I have to say you are one lucky lady!!!! Having a great driver and precious granddaughters!!!

Amanda Pilkinton said...

Love it! Merry Christmas!


LOL....what a great plan!! And it works, huh???!!!

you gotcha a great hubby!!


Connie said...

You are too cute! I love it!

Teeter said...

now...That's a thought. Big Daddy wouldnt mind shopping if he could sit in a car...listen to music and dose off from time to time.

CarolinaGirl said...

What a good man! Love seeing pics of the little one! She looks just like big Sis. Merry Christmas!