Weight Watcher Weigh-Ins are going great! I have lost 6.6 pounds towards my goal of 10-15 pounds! Someone asked me to talk about what I eat. Not Much. :) If you know anything about WW's, you know they use a POINT system. I only get 18. That's not much at all people! I usually eat my breakfast in stages....so it will last longer. I'll eat a bar of some sort that is 2 points. Later in the morning I'll eat an egg (2) or peanut butter on wheat. Lunch is a can of green beans (in vinegar). That may sound weird, but it's like a three bean salad without the other beans! I love anything with vinegar. With the beans I eat a can of tuna or a peanut butter sandwich or cottage cheese and fruit, etc. I always have an afternoon snack. Usually it's popcorn. Sometimes it's fruit or another bar. Dinner is small amounts of meat, veggies, fruit, salad or whatever we have or have left over from another night. Before bed every night, I have a Healthy Choice ice cream bar. I drink black coffee, water and diet Coke during the day. So, that's it for the food. I DO exercise every week day. LOTS of exercise for a 53 year old!!:) I work out with weights. I do lots of fast walking and I take a Tuesday *core sculpting* class that really kicks my rear end...literally!!! I have made WW's a life style for years and years but in the last year or so I slipped and my eating had gotten out of control. After losing the pounds I want to lose, I hope to make it a life style again!
Now, on to an important update!!!
The new grandbaby is growing like a weed! My DIL says she thinks she is going to give birth to a toddler! :) Her due date is Dec. 2, but baby boy/girl is breech for now, so she may go in a week early for a c-section. Keep this precious mommy and baby in your prayers.
We. Cannot. Wait. !!!!
We. Cannot. Wait. !!!!

Congrat's my friend on the weight lose. Way to go!
And, oh..that baby is super cute. Not much longer.
Praying you have a great week!
Congrats for hanging in there on WW. Have you made the garden veggie soup? It is "0" yes zero points and I love it..... I always searched for 0,1,or 2 pt things...to feel like I was eating more/ha
Aren't the sonogram pictures great? Looks like a portrait!!!
You are so dedicateD!!!What hard work! Cant' wait to see that precious sweet pea~
Congrats on the Weight Watchers! Love Weight Watchers and I should get back to it.
I know you are so excited for the new grandbaby but you are giving me baby fever!! (That is NOT a good thing). LOL
Praying for baby & mama. Aren't ultra sounds A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.?? It's a precious, beautiful angel already!! Good Luck:)
Oh, so proud of you! Do you stay for the meetings?? I love those - so encouraging!! But I have not done well this week - and really last week too....I'm still holding at my weight, sort of. And I have not followed my points exactly like I should, which is not good!! Got to do better!!
Good job on the WW journey!
YOu can tell this is one handsome kids that is growing like a weed! I can't wait for the little guy to get here...ahem..yes Im still thinking boy....but girls are AWESOME too!
WOW! Baby looks just like B!!! Isn't it amazing how much detail ultrasounds show! My vote is definitely still boy!
So very proud of you! What an accomplishment and what a good way of life. Congratulations!
Don't you love ultra sound pictures. Looking forward to this fun, exciting event.
Congrats sweet friend. I've never tried Weight Watchers but I know friends who have. It sounds like you're doing great.
Wow...what a great photo of your soon to be little. I'm guessing boy.
Great job on the WW! I know it's a life style but I've fallen off the wagon. It gets old eating so little!!! I nee to get myself back in "the box" and get back to it. I have about 40 lbs to RElose.
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