Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Weight Watchers

There is really no way to make the title of this post all fancy. It is what it is. I am a lifetime member of Weight Watchers.  Maybe eight or nine years ago I joined and lost to my goal weight. I have kept it off for the most part until now. After I had a little surgery a couple of years ago, I started to put it back on slowly. So, this morning I decided to bite the bullet and rejoin. So, I'm back to writing down everything I eat and drink. It's a mental thing for me. And it is also an accountability thing. So, I weigh in every Tuesday. 

Hold me accountable friends!


Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

I'm right with you Nonny!
I just finished my 16th week in W/Watchers...
Bravo for you girl...take good care of the body of yours!
I've actually got the W/Watchers garden veggie soup brewing on the stove!
Love that...0 points per serving!!!!!!!!
Keep up the good work!
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...

nanny said...

Weight Watchers is so great...I counted points for 3 months and lost 10 pounds.....sigh....but then I thought I could go back to my old ways. I need to start counting again! Getting in the routine and buying the right foods to have on hand was the key for me...good luck...you can do it!

CarolinaMama said...

Bite it, write it Sister! I'm with you! WTG!

Justabeachkat said...

I've never tried Weight Watchers but I know friends who have and love it. Good luck. I need to get my hiney in gear and watch my carbs...that's my biggest problem. Good luck!



Hey! I'm so excited for you! I have lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks since joining WWers on the 4th!! I love it! And for me it's an accountability thing too! Love attending the meetings and hearing all the success stories!!

Proud of you!! And my new total weight loss??? Now 14 lbs!! Woo Hoo!!!


Megan said...

What a horrible person I am! I go and post about Candy Apples and Pumpkin Spice Ice Cream Topping without reading your post. So sorry! GOOD LUCK!!! I know you can do it!

Anonymous said...

Argh! I need to join you. And, with Thanksgiving and Christmas rapidly approaching, I can imagine my problem will be getting worse. :) Best wishes! I'm sure you've already discovered it, but just in case... www.dwlz.com is a great resource.

Anonymous said...

I joined this summer and lost 25 pounds and feel so good--- plus, it is like having a whole new wardrobe.

I think I have stayed +/- 5 pounds since August, but I also worry about the holidays and colder weather...

I am inspired and uplifted by your blog!

Liz M in Wisconsin

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Good luck! I am trying to drop a lot of weight I've gained over the last five or six years too. I REFUSE to buy bigger pants. Again.

http://bitsandpieces-sonja.blogspot.com/ said...

I just hopped over here from another blog. Sounds like lots of us are on the same page! It's a necessary discipline, isn't it? :(

You have a family that sounds much like ours. Isn't it fun to see them grow up and then have their own families? We also LOVE being grandparents! :)

