Saturday, January 03, 2009

I Can't Take My Cards Down!!!

I can't part with my cards. Can't. Do. It. So, for now, they'll stay strung in my kitchen. If you sent me a picture card, you'll be prayed for. I'm starting at the top row, and each day one family will be prayed for. I'll work my way around until I'm done. All 35 of you....and then I'll take them down. Or, maybe I won't!!


Justabeachkat said...

I know what you mean. I did a post about my cards last night.

Have a good weekend.

Amy Sasser said...

Love it! Thanks for praying for us. :) Hope you all had a special Christmas! Happy New Year!

les said...

I love you Mrs. Angela! You are to precious! Thank you for the prayers!

Kellie said...

I feel your pain, I might do the same thing and pray for each one - what a great idea!