I spent my summers growing up at a summer camp, on Lake Lure, in the North Carolina mountains. We recently had a banquet honoring 60 years of camping at this camp! Before the banquet, I was interviewed for a video they were putting together. One of the questions asked was "What has Camp Lurecrest meant to you?" My answer: "Everything".
Chapel still looks the same...except no sawdust floor now!!

Spending my summers there, first as a camper, then as a staff member, and in recent years as a volunteer in the kitchen and office, has molded and shaped my life into what it is today. It is at camp that I met my savior and it is at camp that I learned about His grace. I have lifelong friends that I met at camp. If you've ever been on staff at a summer camp, you know the bond that develops working together 24/7!
Yeh, I know, camp makes you do crazy things!!!

The BLOB! Nope...Never have. Never will.

View from Chapel
I am so very thankful for my humble beginnings and for the Lord meeting me right where I was. My life was and is in His hands. He used Camp Lurecrest as a means to my heart. I am forever blessed!

Me...2nd row third from right! (click on picture for better view)

View from Chapel
I am so very thankful for my humble beginnings and for the Lord meeting me right where I was. My life was and is in His hands. He used Camp Lurecrest as a means to my heart. I am forever blessed!
Me...2nd row third from right! (click on picture for better view)
The view from the chapel and boat dock are both unbelievable. Such an incredible reminder of God's power. Wish I had grown up there!
Its Leslie, Mrs. Angela! You are so right Camp is an amazing place. It is a tool that God used in my life. It was at camp that I learned what true FAITH and TRUST really is. There I was stripped of everything... and realized God loves me for me and nothing else! Thank you to you and your family for allowing me to experience such a place that so largely changed my life! This blog brought a smile to my face that has been much needed! Love u guys!!
oh come on, angela...do the BLOB!!!! i dare ya!
O, how much fun it is! Summer camp...such great memories! I don't know where in NC it is, but it would have to be beautiful...everywhere in NC has its own beauty.
i too share many memories there and love the ones in the kitchen with you!
i feel blessed to have met my husband there when i was just 15!!
I enjoyed the photos of camp. I understand how you feel about it. I too grew up in a camp much like this one and have special memories.
I also liked the photos of your son, I know he appreciates you sharing!! HA!! My older son is now 32....surly NOT !!! I tell people I had him in kindergarten !!! HA!!!!!
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