Wednesday, September 28, 2011

36 Years

I was 18.

He was 21.

36 years later God is still writing our story.

Sometimes teenagers get it right.......

.....God ALWAYS does.

I love you honey.

Happy 36 YEARS!

(And P.S., Isn't my new header fabulous? Thank you DIL!!!)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Still Cookin'

Twins are still cookin'. 28 weeks yesterday. Mom is on semi bed rest, so we had a little outing last night. It brightens her spirits to get out a little. It would be GREAT if she could make it 10 more weeks. Will you pray with me that she does?

These are her first babies. She said last night, "I don't even have an animal, and I'm having TWO HUMANS in 10 weeks." 

Ummm, yeh, you are!!!!:)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

From Dining Room To Playroom... Before and After

Baby B's mom wanted to make him a playroom.

The dining room was a room they don't use much.
It seemed like the most likely place since it's right off the kitchen and family room.

Here is the *before.*

Here are some of the *afters*.

Cute, huh?

We painted the panels with magnet/chalkboard paint.

They still want to hang some canvases and alphabet letters and curtains.

But, Baby B loves it already!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Baby B

This precious baby grandson had
reaction to a shot.

Fever and soreness are no fun.

Will you join me in praying for him?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Regrets Only

" Nowadays, invitations often carry a "regrets only" notation at the end.
 That means that the host will count on your being there unless you tell him or her otherwise." 

I'll be the first to admit, I am a stickler for rules. I am a black and white kind of girl.

I know that about myself.

I realize that not everyone is like me. (Thank the Lord.)


there are some things in life that just ARE.


If you are invited to a shower or a party or a baptism, etc. and the invite clearly states

REGRETS ONLY...............

Convince me otherwise.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I LOVE............




I had ALL of these this weekend.....

and it was good.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Where Were YOU?

I was at my desk in the office of the christian school where I was working at the time.

Where were YOU?

Friday, September 09, 2011


Remember, we are having TWINS!

Well, Nonny and Poppy aren't having twins but our youngest son, J, and his wife, J, are!!!

A few weeks ago there was a GENDER REVEAL to let the family know the s*x of the babies.

Most of you know by now that our twins are..................


We are *tickled blue* that our littles are going to have boys join them as cousins!!!

Here are some shots taken at the reveal.

The cake layer color was how they revealed the gender. FUN!

Pray for our twins if you will. Mommy is 26 weeks today. She has been put on bed rest due to contractions. 
She will do anything to keep those boys healthy, but it's going to be a long 12 weeks. They are due December 16.

Tomorrow is her BABY SHOWER. Pics to follow. 
(She will be able to go to the shower in a very *creative* way!!!!!)

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

First Day of Three Year Old Preschool

Hard to believe this is the oldest granddaughter and we have #s four and five on the way!

Today was her first day of Three Year Old Preschool.

No tears. Only smiles. Quite different from last year.

Have fun sweet girl.


Friday, September 02, 2011

Favorite Blogs

Joining *Show Us Your Life Friday* and listing my favorite blogs.

My favorite blogs change from time to time. Next week this list may be different. 
But for today, these are the ones I love.

I follow WAY too many blogs and like so many more. YOURS may be on my next list! :)

(you can click on each blog title to view)

Thursday, September 01, 2011

The Big 3......0.....

The BABY of the family turns 30 today!!!

Yeh, 30.
He is still a kid at heart....and we love that!

Happy 30th, J!

Dad and I love you.