Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Favorite Things December

I'm back. 

December is here.

I'm busy.

So are you. 

One of the things I love about December:

My mom and dad's house at Christmas.
It smells good.
It feels good.
It's filled to the brim with children.....
TEN of them five and under.
It's chaos.
It's lots of food.
And gifts.
Jesus is there.
It's Christmas.

What is one thing YOU love at Christmas?


  1. Anonymous5:28 PM

    At the top of my favorites too! Can't wait for the big event and all the babies, and boy do we have a ton of them!
    My other December favs.......
    Gas Logs Burning
    Big Pot of Soup
    Looking at beautifully decorated homes
    Christmas cards in the mail (especially with pictures)
    My 2 daughters opening their 'goodie bags'
    Actually I am one of those weird people who loves winter.
    I know, I know Nonny does not!
    Happy December, Mom
    Glad you are back from November...

  2. Christmas cards in the mail and Christmas music all the time. Delicious cookies. Decorated stores. Catalogs galore with free shipping. Advent wreath. Wonder and excitement experienced through my precious children!

  3. oh my, that picture is priceless!!
    ooh so many things to love about this season....my boys JOY!!

  4. I love to decorate for Christmas...for myself and others! It's a "joy" thing...What a great opportunity we have to bring joy to others by celebrating Jesus!
