Friday, March 18, 2011

Flip Flop Friday

Welcome back flip flops.

I have missed you.

These *Reefs* are my favorites:

I wear some variation of them almost every day when it gets above chilly!:)

Oh, and how cool is THIS:

Look's made of these:

Now that's flip flop heaven right there!

Have a warm weekend.

Can you tell I'm happy the sun is shining?

Welcome back flip flops!!

What are YOUR favorite flips?


  1. I'm wearing sandals today.
    Yay for 80 degrees!

  2. I had a pair of Reefs once. LOVED them. I wonder what happened to those...

  3. I love my rainbows & wish I could wear them today, but it's going to rain all day. Cool pictures! Have fun in the warm weather & GOOOO DUKE!!!!!

  4. i think i might almost have enough flip flops to make that sculpture ;-)

  5. My favorite flip flops are reefs for comfort, but then the pretties can be gotten everywhere. That's when I spend some time at DSW.

  6. I have a pair of sandals I got from Old Navy a couple years back that I've worn to the ground. At the time I bought them I wasn't sure I'd ever wear them. Boy was I wrong! Now they're worn out and I need to find a replacement. That's always fun ):

  7. Chaco - my favorite. They are so comfy!

  8. That sculpture is awesome! This was my Fashion feature to share:

  9. Am going to go drag out my 50 pair of flip flops...and thats all you will find on my feet ubtil winter.

  10. I have never been fond of flip flops...don't know why, even though they have some that are really pretty. Just never been drawn to them.


  11. I am not a flip flop girl....I am 100% devoted to my Birkenstock - Arizona style - Color of Seal sandals. I wish I could wear them year round. They are one of my addictions. It's all I wear from about this time of year to late fall.
