Friday, May 28, 2010

Lifelong Friend!

I met my good friend *Mother T* when we were nine years old. 

That's been a few years.

We live a couple of hours apart now, 
but boy,do I love to see her!

She is GiGi and I am Nonny.  

It's a role we embrace.

It's a reward for the aged.
We played recently with our *littles* at Chick Fil A.

I love you friend.

Here's to lots of  dates with our *littles*.


  1. Y'all are so cute! I just love it! You make the next chapter look so fun too! Have a happy Memorial Weekend with your family!

  2. Aren't friendships a real gift from God? You are two pretty ladies and your little ones are so adorable...little brunettes and blonds. Can't think of a better place to meet than the place you did.

    Hope you have a Happy Memorial Day with your family.

  3. How lovely! Old friends really are the best! Glad your littlest ones are now getting to be friends too!

  4. I love how my oldest friend and I just take right up from where we left off when we get to see each other!

    Ya'll look so sweet together with those "Grands"! Isn't God good to allow us such sweet friendships on this side of heaven?

    Blessings for a wonderful holiday week-end!

  5. Glad you have such a dear long time friend that you can still enjoy being with and making new memories! Great picture of the 2 of you and the sweet grandchildren. I still want us to get together for lunch one day. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Love & blessings from NC!

  6. I wish all of us "Grandmothers" could get together and celebrate the most precious *Littles* in the world! Wouldn't that be a blast?!?
    Glad you had fun...

  7. Friendships like this are the best and to share your time with your littles together is priceless and full of more wonderful memories.

    You look great!

