Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snowy Weekend, A Queen and New Boots!

Well, we DID get our snow here in North Carolina. I think the final word was eight inches. Pretty impressive for us. We are paralyzed for days when that happens....and we live in the city! The snow plows have been out in full force but even the main roads are still covered. 

Hubby had to take gas to someone who was crazy enough to let it run out. I took a little ride with him. I felt like a QUEEN on her throne sitting up so high in that gas truck. Glamorous, NOT...but it doesn't take much to please me. I just wanted to get out of the house. THIS is what the main road looked like from high up on my throne.
I realized I was NOT cut out for work in the snow. 
I wore my tennis shoes. 
So, hubs took me to Targ*t  to get me these:

What's a Queen on her throne without cute boots?



  1. Love the boots!! We are pretty much stuck inside, too....we did not get a whole lot of snow, maybe a couple of inches, but we did get sleet with it, so everything is frozen....Hopeing it will warm up enough to melt it off the roads.


  2. Love your new boot! Especially the polka dots. Mine are floral. You will enjoy them and they will be great for the rain too. We are still snowed in too. 8 inches and not melting anytime soon. Too cold!!! Have a nice day. Love & blessings from NC!

  3. Me again! I can't spell. I love your BOOTS, not boot. LOL!!!
    Love & blessings from NC!

  4. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Nonny! I must have those boots!!! Love them! They are sooo cute and stylish for wet weather!

  5. I just saw NC pictures on Fox News this morning! Oh MY! Hope you hve things ready to stay in for a few days. Love the boots! A new pair of shoes makes almost anything bearable! Stay warm!

  6. Perfect choice of boots for a queen to wear. I can't believe you received that much snow in the Carolinas. Beautiful snow pictures. In Pennsylvania, we only received snow flurries this time. Hope you are staying warm.

  7. Those boots will always make you them! And love that you and your husband were able to get oil to the folks who had run out. I am sure they were glad to see you!

    We got a dusting while you got a dumping...go figure! I hope it means baking and staying warm by a fire. My two favorite things about a snowstorm!

  8. oh, angela. i sooo wish we could be there to play in the snow!

  9. nonny, stinkin' cute boots!!! woohoo.

  10. love the boots! they are so much cuter than my snow boots!

    we did make it out to the Y today. yay! i love being snowed in for maybe a night. after that, i get cabin fever.

  11. Oh girl I love your boots..........
    Our snow is melting due to the beautiful sunshine.....

  12. Your snow is so pretty and I love the boots!
