Saturday, January 09, 2010


I've been thinking since I read Shawni's post HERE(one of my very favorite blogs by the way)about what my WORD for 2010 would be. Words come easy for me. I talk a lot and the written word is one of my favorites. I love to read and I love to write. But to choose ONE WORD out of all of them was more difficult than I imagi

Because my focus this year is on one particular thing, my
word has been chosen. It is


I want to *recognize* a need and act on it.

I see the BIG PICTURE...ALWAYS. I don't read between the lines EVER. You have to knock me over to let me know you don't like me or you are saying something that should hurt my feelings. You may tell me something and ASSUME I understand and get it....most of the time I don't. If you tell me "My brother and I didn't say much to each other at Christmas", I don't read into that that there is a problem. I just assume you didn't have much of a chance to talk, or I don't assume anything...I just figure you didn't say much to each other.

Call me SHALLOW.

Anyhoo, back to my word.

I want to RECOGNIZE a need


I want to act on that need.

That may mean I pray for you. It may mean I make you a meal o
r buy a gift for your child. It may mean I send you a card or I donate in your honor. It may mean I give a bag of food to the needy or give words of wisdom to a young mom.

I WANT it to mean that Jesus has given me discernment so that I can bless others because of HIM.

Because it is not natural for me to RECOGNIZE a need, I am
asking HIM to show me the needs of others. I have been given the desires of my heart...I want to share that with others.


You may not recognize me when I begin reading between the

I hope not.

Lord, that I may
RECOGNIZE the needs of your people is my request for 2010.

(Oh, and the desire of my heart?

Thank YOU for that.)


  1. very well put! i love your "word"! that photo of all of you is fantastic! thank you for sharing it with us!

  2. what a great post and a great word to choose!

  3. Used your "one word" idea for my blog today. I choose "HOPE". Thanks for an encouraging post.

  4. great word...and great words! Loved this post! Hmmm I may try to think of a word for the yer as well...I think that's a great idea!

  5. I love your post. Such thoughtfulness and kindness you are planning. I try to do that, but to actually dedicate a whole year to making it happen is awesome. A very sweet idea. Now you have me thinking that i should be picking a word too. By the way, your family is beautiful.

  6. What a great idea to have a word for the year! Your post was wonderful and so inspiring. We will all have to think of a word for the year. What a beautiful family picture! You are truly blessed to have such an awesome family! Thanks so much for your encouragement! Love & blessings from NC!

  7. And very good you are at writing!!! I wish I had that talent! The thoughts are there but I can't get them out!
    Great word for the year...I'm going to think on this one!

  8. I thought as I read your post, of how often I don't recognize important things that I should have. I think that it is a good word and beautifully expressed by you. I like how you ended it by desiring that others recognize God through you. I appreciate your honesty and the thought that was put into this word. Great post! Your family is certainly a good looking group of people.

  9. I love your word...and this was the best post I have read today....

    I am going to think about that word often...

  10. i too need to RECOGNIZE! another word that comes to mind is INTENTIONAL. i want to live intentionally...not just go thru the motions and miss where i could have made a difference.

  11. Oh gracious! I may stay up until Patterson wakes up in Spain to say good morning now that I've found your blog! I'm gonna go through the whole dang thing! I LOVE IT! I can't wait to see all of these pictures! I love the family pic. above! Mike never changes and neither do you, but your kids sure have! oxoxoxoxoChamp
