Wednesday, January 06, 2010


Not sure how I feel about January.

It's cold.

And you KNOW I don't like cold.

I haven't seen my babies since Christmas.
So, I don't have any new pictures.

and,I had a crown done yesterday at the dentist.

But I am reminded of this this morning:

*He is.

He was.

He always will be.*

And January takes on a new meaning.

(song begins at 1:34...slide the bar over and begin there)


  1. SUch a great outlook!! I love that picture of your grandbabies!! January is my least favorite month, it's cold here too and I don't want to go out!! Brrr!! Stay warm friend!

  2. Our children sang that song at their school Christmas program and have been singing it ever since! Love it! Stay WARM.

  3. I do not like this cold either! Hope it passes quickly!

  4. New Years blessings to you, I can see from the first couple of posts that we have much in common, even a hubby who does woodcraft. Our two daughters find things from Pottery Barn and always have my hubby make them. I look forward to getting to know you more-stay warm; it's snowing here in Colorado so we are inside tonight.
    Hugs, Noreen

  5. i like the renewed feeling january brings, but other than that i could do without the months of january, february and march here in NC. ready for warm weather!!!

  6. I love that picture! It is even cold here in FL! Well, 49 degrees, but I am freeeeeezing!!!!!!! The ETSY site is Monogram Mania, and it was only $20! I love this site, and the shirt is very good quality, very thick. Have a great 2010!

  7. Hi,
    I came over from the Grand Parenting Experience.
    Loved the little ones in Christmas Pajama!!! So cute.
    the box for the Nativity is priceless (o:

  8. Amen!!! What a great song!!! He always will be.... so true. Thanks for sharing. Love & blessings from NC!

  9. If I didn't come home from work to a "freeze warning" I'd say that it was warmer over in my neck of the woods! I think you need a trip to visit EC & AG to cure those January blues!!! Of course cupcakes cure everything too!

  10. Your grandchildren are just precious!!!!!! I haven't seen my baby since Christmas either, but I am off to Dallas on the 18th for 4 days of cuddling, singing, playing (or whatever she wants to do) ha

  11. I love that song and that section of it is such a wonderful promise!
