Saturday, April 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Little Brother!

My brother, F, and I are 13 months apart...he's younger.:( Today is his birthday! Just wanted to do a shout out and wish him a happy day! Hope you get to spend lots of time on the boat today. Remember, every year is a blessing.
I love you brother.


  1. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Happy Birthday Son! We love you today and always. Hopw you have a super day on the lake. Love, Mom and Dad

  2. What a sweet tribute to your brother! Hope he enjoyed a beautiful day on the lake today.

    And, cute are those little Beagles?

    Happy Birthday, Little Brother!

  3. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Absolutely sweet! Happy birthday! Lucky you to have him :)!

  4. Oh no, is he wearing a Chapel Hill sweatshirt!? Hehe. Xoxo-BLC
