Saturday, April 04, 2009

Baby Girl Has a Virus!!

E.C. had her first stomach virus yesterday @ 17 months.
She caught up on her Barney watching and seemed to feel a little better last night.
I think she misses her Nonny!!!


  1. Awwww...bless her little heart. Hope she feels better soon!

  2. Lovin the fact she is still styling in her bow. My girls wore bows 24/7. I still have everyone of them!

    Hope she is feeling better today.

  3. Okay, that is one pretty baby, even sick!!!

  4. Oh, bless your sweet little heart! It's so hard to see our little babies sick. I hope she's better VERY soon.


  5. What a cute picture...I think you and I have a lot in commmon in the grandparent department. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Hope you will stop by again soon.
    I am going to have a "card box" giveaway every month. This drawing will be the last day of April. Every comment you leave throughout the month will enter your name in the drawing. This NEW blogger was so touched by all the comments I got on the Blog Party, that I decided to make this a monthly GIFT...
    Also, if you link to my blog telling about the monthly giveaway, you will have your name entered 10 extra times...How is that for an incentive?
    I was so blown away by all the responses that I wanted to email each person personally, but TIME... just has not permitted..but I did love reading all of them..I am continuing to introduce my family members and then there will be some fun blogs coming up from Disney World in May. Taking the little guys back to Disney in a few weeks.
    I am so thankful for all my new friends.

  6. sweet little EC - hope she's better soon!
