Sunday, July 31, 2011

Saturday, July 30, 2011

I Don't Like To Share..............

HE is in another state visiting Mimi and Pops

picture via cell phone

They are being visited for two weeks by their "Abuelitos"

I miss them.

I guess I don't like to share:(

Monday, July 25, 2011


I am a lover of all things summer....within reason.

This heat....It's not within reason.

I don't want to be a whiner...So,

I'm focusing on the positives.

I'm loving:

We buy these bars at Costco and eat one every night! 

Flip Flops...I LIVE in them!!!!

*German Johnson* tomatoes!

Longer days....LOTS of daylight hours!

We look forward all year to time spent with family on VACATION!!!

What do YOU love about summer?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Birthday Girl!!

My DIL has a birthday today!

It's her last one without a baby....or TWO to hold!

She's the one who is having TWINS.

I think she is forever labeled as the *mommy of twins.*

I like to think of her as much more than that.

She is :

A wonderful wife to my son.

A lover of all things crafty.

A photographer with a great EYE!

A daughter-in-law to be proud of.

A follower of Jesus.

And so much more.

Happy Birthday JiJi Momma.......

We love you!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


"Cousins are the first friends most people have as children."

You know, I've never really thought about that before. But it's so true. They are there at your first birthday party....before you've really made any other friends. They are there for all the really important things in your life.....birthday parties, Christmas (and lots of holidays for that matter), family reunions, etc.   They are the first playmates of your youth...your first companions.

I have such fond memories of these cousins:

Their mom and my mom were first cousins and the best of friends.

We did not remain close as we got older but I have recently reconnected with them on Facebook and it's great to now see THEIR children!

 I will never forget the memories I made with my cousins.  

I pray these cousins always remain close:

Monday, July 18, 2011

Camp Lurecrest

I spent every summer of my life here.

Every year about this time I miss this place.

Did you go to camp?

Did you go to THIS camp?

If so, come out of hiding and speak up!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Playhouse Curtain for the Girls!

 Poppy and A made a playhouse in the *walk-in attic* in the  girl's playroom last year.

Their mommy (my daughter, G) made a cute, cute curtain for the window.

She monogrammed the little girl and the girl's initials (for the valance) on some scrap fabric she had.

Cute huh???

Monday, July 11, 2011

THE ARTS ARE ALIVE AND WELL........................

Our little town is quite unique. 
To be such a small town...(population approx. 14,000 people), 
the people here really appreciate the arts. 

I appreciate that.

We are in the process of building a Children's Museum. It should be open in 2012.

Also, we have something really fun and interesting coming for three months beginning August 1.
  Three dimensional, life-sized works inspired by masterpieces from the French Impressionist era will be on display at our Arts Council. Last week they put up the first one as a *teaser* of what's to come. It is HUGE....about 20 ft. tall!!!

This sculpture is called

*Two People Dancing*
Inspired by a Renoir painting.
(click above to see painting)

I can't wait to see the others. Proud of our little town for keeping the ARTS alive and well!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Little Adventure

We live in North Carolina. Our state has a magazine guessed it....OUR STATE. Hubs and I really like it. He reads it every month....cover to cover. We like to try to visit some of the interesting places listed. This month the cover looked like this:

Kalawi Farms/Ben's Ice Cream were featured inside the magazine. The article boasted about their peach ice cream. "The triple-decker peach ice cream cone, made from peaches that have gotten too ripe and soft to sell, attracts people from all over, including two men who flew down in a helicopter from Raleigh last year just for a taste." Well, we didn't fly down in a helicopter, but we did drive down for a taste. It did not disappoint. It may have been the best peach ice cream I have ever had. I didn't take a picture because I was too busy eating it before the heat of the day melted it. But here is a picture of Ben's Ice Cream and Fruit Stand....and hubs!
We couldn't leave there without a few peaches. YUM!

We stopped at a few antique stores on the way back...and we may or may not have purchased something for the twins............

FUN afternoon in North Carolina!

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

The SECURITY of the Kitchen Table

I saw this picture on Pinterest (yeh, I'm hooked)...

Immediately I thought about the kitchen table...and how everyone had their OWN chair. You didn't dare sit in your brother or sister's was YOURS. There is such security in knowing you have a place at the table. There was, at one time, some arguing and some complaining about the food. Hubs put his foot down one night and ordered no more complaining about a food you don't like. No thank you was sufficient. Also, you had to tell one good thing that happened at school if you were going to tell a bad thing.....That way, nightly meals did not turn into a grumble fest! We drilled Bible verses and Spanish words at the table. We made Valentine Cards and learned about where all the states were on the U.S. map (thanks Poppy). We addressed birthday cards there, and thank you notes. Wedding invitations were made and many punch bowls for baby showers have been there. We celebrated birthdays at that table and served lots of Super Bowl food. We read a bible verse out of a little box before meals...and we prayed. We celebrated making baseball and basketball teams and cheerleading squads too.  We served our meals out of bowls (mom said never sit the pots on the table)...and we sat there every night. No television. No phone calls. Nothing but family...and your very own seat. It was one of the few things that was sacred......that you didn't have to EVER share with your sibling.  

Memories were made there. 

Never underestimate the SECURITY of your child's place at the table.

Monday, July 04, 2011


Hubs, my kids, mom, (and some of the nieces) know what this is:
Found it today while cleaning out the garage. :(

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Happy Birthday K!!!

Happy birthday to a wonderful daughter-in-law!

May you always have a smile on your face....and a blanket over your shoulder.

So thankful that on this birthday, your dreams have come true.

My birthday wish for you is that ALL your dreams come true!

Love you birthday girl!

Love, FMIL